I haven't tried this yet demonicume, but I did recall it saying in the instructions (at the plugin's site) that the admin had to do that first. :)
I haven't tried this yet demonicume, but I did recall it saying in the instructions (at the plugin's site) that the admin had to do that first. :)
Anything new on this? I was getting the line 77 error about too many parameters. I dropped the "true" from the parameter string, and now I get
Warning: mkdir(/home/content/d/o/g/doggonnit/html/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/themes/pet-project/pet-project): No such file or directory in /home/content/d/o/g/doggonnit/html/wp-content/mu-plugins/userthemes.php on line 72
Seems that the path is getting messed up somehow - did the "true" prevent that?
I am not on PHP5
basically I had this working on wpmu 1.1.1 - trying to get it working again with wpmu 1.3 but I can't seem to find the theme editor? did it move from wp-admin/theme-editor.php
can't find it anywhere? was it just dropped or am I blind?
I think it was dropped.
does anyone know which was the last version containing the template editor? I'd really like to get this working again.
Whups, the plugin editor is still there.
here's the file from trac:
Well, I tried both plugins "User Themes" and "User Themes 1.1" none of this worked to me, so I decide to check MU Admin Folder and compare this to a normal wp admin folder, in individual installations there is theme-editor.php, in MU Admin folder isn't there, so, here is my solution in order to activate theme editor:
Note: This will activate theme editor for everybody, (It works for me because I will manage all blogs inside MU) If you want to activate this only for superadmin (Main admin). You will have to find a way to get this work only for that user (maybe using if(is_user_something)...
So, here is what I did:
1.- Copy theme-editor.php from a single wp installation (this file is inside wp-admin folder)
2.- Edit menu.php file (you can find it into your wp MU folder, inside wp-admin)
3.- Go to line 75 you will find a commented line, it looks like this one:
//$submenu['themes.php'][10] = array(__('Theme Editor'), 'edit_themes', 'theme-editor.php');
uncomment this line and there you go, now you can edit themes.
¡¡Warning!!: This will activate theme editor for all admin zones (Mu main admin, and sub blogs admins), this will allow edit ALL themes either, so this is fine only if you will manage all blogs.
why not copy the theme editor from an old Mu and then use userthemes?
If you're the only admin, why not just edit the theme files from Cpanel's file manager? Half the time, it's faster anyway. :D
the lady has a point
Can you tell i have to do it a lot? :D
"If you're the only admin, why not just edit the theme files from Cpanel's file manager? Half the time, it's faster anyway. :D"
Well, could be :), but there's one important reason for me to do that, my internet conex is really really slow... Modifying css or pages in local then upload them to my server will take forever.... Using theme editor from WP is faster than using Cpanel or FTP, so I just wrote this tip in order to pass through that kind of problems :). Cheers!
I'm on satellite, so I know what you mean. :)
I wasn't talking about editing the file locally then uploading, I'm talking about editing it directly on the server. The page refreshes in Cpanel's file manager are usually faster than the backend of WP. At least they are for me, and I usually have multiple tabs open.
But to each his own., :)
I have read a great deal on this subject, and I am still a bit baffled (I am a novice) as to why I am getting:
"Warning: mkdir() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in /home/nchildsc/blogs/wp-content/mu-plugins/userthemes.php on line 72"
I am still unable to activate the UserThemes and I know this has got to be simple enough but I am just can't see it. Please, any advice would be great or a direction to a clear cut answer.
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