On my single.php pages I want to add in an area below the post that shows other posts belonging to the same category as being viewed at the time. I plan on putting this into a slider. --the 'tricky' part that I am getting stuck on is how to use the same slider on all single.php pages, yet display different posts depending upon the single.page the viewer is looking at.
Meaning if a user is reading an article from category 'food' I want the slider to show other posts from 'food'.
--if a user is reading an article from category 'dishes' I want the slider to show other posts from 'dishes'.
I already have the majority of the functions written to do what I need.
However, I am struggling to find a function that will return the category id# of the single.php article being displayed. (my permalink structure is /%postname%/ and I cannot change that due to other issues. This means that I don't think I can use the slug to grab the cat_id.
My function is as follows:
<?php query_posts("cat=-".get_option('article_cat')."&showposts=".get_option('number_posts')); ?>
What I need is to define article_cat as the category of the page being viewed.
Can someone help me define article_cat please?
(I looked in the codex, but saw nothing that does this as far as I could find)