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Sharing Pages Content?? (3 posts)

  1. bgajus
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Is it possible to share dynamic content from pages and posts across several sites? Thinking about using Wordpress MU for a project that is one top level site and several (2-4) subsites. I anticipate some content especially from pages being the same across these sites and don't want to have to touch every site to make a change.

  2. SteveAtty
    Posted 15 years ago #

    To cross post posts you've better off using a third party client app which can support posting to multiple blogs at once. I know that blogpress works.

  3. kgraeme
    Posted 15 years ago #

    In the database, every blog stores its posts/pages separately so sharing content become quite tricky.

    A few things to look into:

    Sitewide Tags plugin. This copies any post (and now can do pages as well) to a designated "tags" blog. So that blog can act as a portal to the content in all the other blogs. The permalinks are retained as metadata to link to whichever blog originally wrote the content.

    Page Links To - I've used this to create placeholder pages/posts on Blog X that links to the actual content on Blog Y. So for instance, one blog might be articles while another is a product catalog. I create tabs on both for "Articles" and "Products" and using that plugin can link those tabs to the appropriate blog.

    Embed RSS - Lets you create a page on one site that shows the RSS feed from another site. This can be cleverly combined with category level feeds.

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