Hi I have installed the latest P2 theme. When I activate the theme for specific blog, there's no theme image in the preview window. And when I activate this "blank" everything becomes a blank. All pages are gone.
I have download the theme again and and the same story again.
When I deactivate the theme under admin I can still not access the blog. It's only when I deleted the theme completely that I can again access the backend.
Blank screen = php error.
So what was in your php error log?
Hi SteveAtty
Thanks for helping.
I have not checked php error log. I suppose it's to be found in my CPanel.
I have deactivated all plugins and then found this error when it try to activate
Fatal error: Class 'WP_Widget' not found in /home/johanhor/public_html/ilocals/wp-content/themes/p2/inc/widgets/recent-tags.php on line 3
Hi SteveAtty Where is the problem? Or rather how do I fix this? I will try and download again. I also think it may be because I am using MU 2.7
You should really upgrade to 2.8.6 if you can. It fixes a lot of issues.
WP_Widget is part of the widget libraries (./wp-includes/widgets.php)
Thanks. I will do the upgrade.
I upgraded and all works well. As you would have expected. Thanks