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A few questions about WPMU (2 posts)

  1. ajaffarali
    Posted 15 years ago #

    At the moment, I am running four separate installations of wordpress setup as sub domains for one domain: tech, games, movies and lifestyle.

    I would very much like to integrate all of them and have one shared user base. However, each of these websites has different admins and I would like to keep it such that each admin is only their site's admin.

    Separately, I also have vBulletin setup on a sub-domain and would love to have users merged with wordpress.

    So, is MU right for me to do what I want to? Also, if I setup MU to use sub directories instead of subdomains, can I manually add subdomains for my main websites and let the users who register use sub directories?

  2. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Yes. To all of it. (the last one is trickier but possible)

About this Topic

  • Started 15 years ago by ajaffarali
  • Latest reply from andrea_r