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users can write php? (3 posts)

  1. lucid1
    Posted 19 years ago #

    I just noticed on the 8-12 nightly that when I set up a user account I could write php in my files (via, manage -> files). also noticed that on the theme chooser it gives the bit at the bottom about " themes and put them in your dir...." which ofcourse new users cant do... also the plugins menu, is it not possible to have it on for the main 'admin' blog but off for new blogs?

    oh another neet thing I noticed, the new menu under ,site admin -> options, is cool indeed but when I edited the first line, to change site name it didnt stick. I hit the button, other changes stayed but it didnt....

  2. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 19 years ago #

    They can't write php, but I've disabled the templates script for now.
    I deleted that message from the themes page too, thanks!
    I Fixed the site name too.. it wasn't selected properly from the db.

  3. lucid1
    Posted 19 years ago #

    I just installed 8-13 I made a user and with that user went to manage->files and had the ability to insert php in my main template page. I did to test it and indeed I could. oops I just noticed that the other fixes you mentioned werent fix either... I must of downloaded it too soon....

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