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404 Not found (4 posts)

  1. alexcl
    Posted 14 years ago #

    The install went ok, blogs are being created and I can view them, but only the main page (including the main blog as well). If I try to access any other page created in the admin panel i get the 404 Page not found error. Why is this happening? Here is an example: the main domain is , it works but doesn't, although it's there.

  2. alexcl
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Problem solved. You have to change the permalinks type to default ( weird bug)

  3. designodyssey
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I don't want default permalinks, so I hope there is another fix. I have a support question on the same issue (which is how I found this). I have mine at custom to just go the page. Not working.

    I'm hoping there's a wp-config or htaccess solution, but no one has responded as yet.

  4. andrea_r
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Your mod rewrite is not working. Check to see if it is on the server, and if so, if apache is reading the htaccess file.

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