Alright, as promised i've uploaded a plugin that allows you to display the latest posts.
I've also uploaded a plugin that adds a like feedback feature which I think you all will like. The feedback plugin has been sitting on my hard drive since last december and I stumbled across it earlier today and thought you guys migth like it.
I'll be taking requests for additions to the List-All-Posts plugin if anyone needs it to do something else. As for the Feedback plugin, well, I spent loads of time on it back in the day and am not really interested in adding anything to it. So other than keeping it working with future releases and bug fixes, it's not going to change much.
Also, before you think i'm crazy. I know that the "list all posts" plugin doesn't really "list all posts." I named it so as to reflect the name of the other plugins. For some reason people trust the List-All series of plugins.
The List-All-Posts plugin can be found here and the Feedback plugin here.