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Two new plugins (List All Posts and Feedback) (77 posts)

  1. andrewbillits
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Alright, as promised i've uploaded a plugin that allows you to display the latest posts.

    I've also uploaded a plugin that adds a like feedback feature which I think you all will like. The feedback plugin has been sitting on my hard drive since last december and I stumbled across it earlier today and thought you guys migth like it.

    I'll be taking requests for additions to the List-All-Posts plugin if anyone needs it to do something else. As for the Feedback plugin, well, I spent loads of time on it back in the day and am not really interested in adding anything to it. So other than keeping it working with future releases and bug fixes, it's not going to change much.

    Also, before you think i'm crazy. I know that the "list all posts" plugin doesn't really "list all posts." I named it so as to reflect the name of the other plugins. For some reason people trust the List-All series of plugins.


    The List-All-Posts plugin can be found here and the Feedback plugin here.

  2. XIII
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Mmmm, list all posts goodness. So much faster than my temp rss parse thingie. Thanks a lot for that!
    Feature requests... hmm, it'd be nice to include the blog owner's name, either in the title or something like 'read more on xxx's blog'. And personally I'd love to be able to grab his/her email address so I can use that to show a gravatar instead of the name.

    I haven't tried the feedback plugin (yet) because I don't know what it does (not that familiar with

  3. andrewbillits
    Posted 18 years ago #

    The Feedback plugin puts a feedback form on the admin panel in the upper right hand corner. It basically just allows your users to send messages to the admin(s).

    I'll add in gravatar compatibility and the other requests in the morning :)

  4. Frequent
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Thanks for sharing andrewbillits! I especially like the idea of the feedback plugin.


  5. Lal
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Thank you for the plugins!

    Is it possible to exclude the post entry of the main domain? Like, I am using a sub-drectory blog option for users as my hosting account doesnt support sub-domain.

    It would be an added feature if this plugin or other plugins can exclude the posted entries at domain.tld but not for domain.tld/userblog

    thanks and wishes!

  6. andrewbillits
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I'll add an option to exclude the main blog tomorrow when I add the other requested features :)

  7. Lal
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I tried out the plugin, and I found that some of the post links are not working i.e. it is not the correct URL of the post. Instead, it linked (the URL) to the main domain.tld

    A bug? Probably.

  8. modifiedcontent
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Great. Thanks!

    But as a non-coder I still don't know what 'to call a function' means, so the instructions are incomplete to me and I have to waste more time searching through the forums to figure out how to use the plugin.

    Something like this then?

    <?php list_all_wpmu_posts(5, 100, '', '', '<h2>', '</h2>','show'); ?>

    Where am I supposed to put the call. In home.php? When I replace what's there it messes everything up. I still can't wrap my head around that loop thing...

    Also, the use of bits of html within the parameters feels illogical. Isn't there a way to put layout in an .inc template file?

    I love the word limit approach! In Nucleus you have to predefine a lead and extended text and that's causing all kinds of problems.

    Is it possible to add a parameter for the poster's name + link to the poster's profile?

  9. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Here's my home.php so you can see an example of it in use.

    Note that I don't put it into the loop.

  10. modifiedcontent
    Posted 18 years ago #

    My home.php now looks like this.

    It produces a homepage with first one "permalink". Then a post from one blog (I think the main blog) with the correct links. Then a second post from another blog on the system linking to (probably the same "bug" Lal mentioned). A third blog on the system doesn't show up at all.

    OK, see for yourself here:

    And when I try to visit blogs on the system, like, I get basically the same home page. That's that loop thing that I don't understand...


  11. andrewbillits
    Posted 18 years ago #


    I'm fixing the problem that's causing the skewed links right this moment so check back later and there should be a new version up.

      Also, the use of bits of html within the parameters feels illogical.

    As for the html in parameters, i've ran into Many php scripts that do the same and unless you need to add a mamoth amount of html it works just fine.

      Isn't there a way to put layout in an .inc template file?

    Sure there is but it would only make the plugin more complicated to use. I get enough emails as it is about the way it is now ;)

  12. modifiedcontent
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I'm fixing the problem that's causing the skewed links right this moment so check back later and there should be a new version up.

    Great! Thanks!

    The other issues were just thoughts...

    Do you know why my home page isn't working? Will that be fixed with the new version or did I just put the wrong code in the wrong place? Can you make the instructions with the plugin a little more specific, perhaps with an example home.php?

  13. andrewbillits
    Posted 18 years ago #

    You've got the code in the right place and it should be sorted out when I fix a few things. :)

  14. andrewbillits
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Alright, it's all fixed and uploaded. I've added two paremeters that allow you to display the blog, author, or both after the post title.

    Now, here's the bad news. The links (title/read more) now point only to the main page of the blog. Which considering that the whole point of this is to ge the *most* recent posts, the post in queation should be on the frontpage anyway.

    The reason that I had to do this is because to point the links directly at the posts' page, I would have to interpret the permalink structure for every blog. Not only would this slow down the whole plugin but in order to do this the most efficient way I would have to use regular expressions. And to be quite honest, i'd rather have the black plague than go anywhere near regular expressions.

    However, if anyone would like to code this part and email it to me i'd be more than happy to add it in and give you credit for it. :)

  15. andrewbillits
    Posted 18 years ago #

    btw, the main blog is now excluded from the listings. Since most people seemed to want this I just went ahead and hardcoded it. However if someone needs it to be an option just let me know.

  16. abietto
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Thank you, that's great. I added some more comments and suggestions on the other thread. I think the idea to exclude the main blog is brilliant. =)

  17. Ste_000
    Posted 18 years ago #

    hi, thanks for plugin, is possible put the last post in a alone php page? how? thanks again bye ;)

  18. stutley
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Maybe it's just me, but didn't we have a similar plugin at some time?

    Anyway, I've got a request which I think would be a nice feature: Make it not display the default Hello World-posts? :)

  19. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Make it not display the default Hello World-posts? :)

    Now that sounds familiar. Hasn't that come up before? ;)

  20. mickemus
    Posted 18 years ago #

    stutley... your a genius... maybe we can exclude post id 1 from it.. should be straight forward enough.. maybe even post id 2 (and 3) as they tend to be test posts!!!

  21. stutley
    Posted 18 years ago #

    @ drmike

    Yeah, that's why I thought a similar plugin had been made. Maybe the Fimii stats? I tried to search the forum, but couldn't find anything...

  22. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I don't see 2 and 3 as test posts that very often but I can understand where you're coming from.

    Actually it would be 3 and 4 as #2 is the test Page IIRC.

  23. andrewbillits
    Posted 18 years ago #

    There may be a similar plugin. I know people were asking for this one so I made it. :)

    As for not displaying the hello world posts, sounds good to me. I'll code it up in a bit.

  24. mickemus
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Buka Kanan!!!

  25. XIII
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Sjweet, I've abused the author stuff to wiggle the gravatar in. As for skipping the hello world posts, a lot of people seem to edit them instead of deleting.

  26. modifiedcontent
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I've abused the author stuff to wiggle the gravatar in.

    How? I probably want to do that as well.

    As for skipping the hello world posts, a lot of people seem to edit them instead of deleting.

    Even then, it doesn't hurt to skip the first post. It's a good safe solution. Let blogs get going first before they're featured on the home page.

  27. XIII
    Posted 18 years ago #

    change the display_name field to user_email, then md5() that to get the bit to append to the gravatar url as specified here:
    It's quick and dirty but it works for me:

    Now to explain the virtues of gravatars to my members and life is good.

  28. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Um, if you wade thru the code I used on the main page of my MU site ( it leaves off the "hello world!' posts *unless* someone edited it. Then it will show.
    Can't remember specifically how Ron did it at the moment, but it is possible.
    And I still haven't checked out the new version yet, Andrew. (mostly reminding myself)

  29. andrewbillits
    Posted 18 years ago #

    He probably compared the date and modified values. If the modified value is after the date value it means someone has modified the post. :)

  30. XIII
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Switching themes can cause interesting results, like linking the newest entry to the 'about' page.

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About this Topic

  • Started 18 years ago by andrewbillits
  • Latest reply from alexguzun