I've tried the install five times now. I have read everything I can find in the forums. Some have similar problems with other builds.
This is not the same as "Installation #{$£ !" at http://mu.wordpress.org/forums/topic/157
It is similar to some older posts about other builds. I receive this error:
Fatal Error
Could Not Find Blog!
Searched for prtopics.com/wpmu/ in wpmudb::wpmu_blogs table. Is that right?
Please check that your database contains the following tables:
* wpmu_blogs
* wpmu_users
* wpmu_usermeta
* wpmu_site
* wpmu_sitemeta
* wpmu_sitecategories
It creates all of the tables each time I install.
My server uses /htdocs/www structure.
I've installed WPMU two ways.
(1) in the /www by uploading the whole folder /wpmu/
(2) even did it as a sub-domain in the /htdocs by uploading the /wpmu/
Strange thing is, in the (2) option above, it actually worked for the initial blog. It gave me the signup page, too.
However, filling that out did not return a proper URL to a new blog. It did send the email stating that my new blog was located here: http://rdf.wpmu.mydomain.com/wp-login.php
And, the new blog I'd signed up for did not show up in the list of blogs installed in the WPMU blog's admin section.
In the (1) option above, putting the /wpmu/ in the /www directory and running it seems to go well, but then the email announcing the initial installation says that I have a new blog at:
When I visit that link, I receive the initial error I reported at the top. "Can't find blog" etc...
Sorry if this is too much info, but I wanted to try and give as much as possible.
Any ideas? Many thanks.