Okay, in this thread I said I was considering adding a field to wp_blogs to streamline a query. But I've apparently taken the knowledge that was so thoughtfully provided to me and used it as a springboard to an entire day spent tearing my hair out.
Here's what I'm trying to do... and forgive me, because it's going to sound ridiculously simple - but it's apparently not.
All I want is to be able to have a page marked "Search By Name" that shows the user an empty search box and a button. When they click it, all I want to do is search all the blogs on my WPMU/Multi-DB install - BY BLOG NAME *ONLY* - and return a paginated result.
The default search doesn't include the blog name in the search query. And while the Site Wide Search plugin from the Premium.WPMUDEV guys is a great plugin, it destroys SimplePress forum installs and the authors of each are pointing at the other and saying, "I don't know, ask HIM..."
I can't use Google Custom Search, because with the nature of my content it would be in the worst taste imaginable to run Google ads with my search results.
Can SOMEBODY point me in the right direction? It occurred to me after eight hours of frustration that I'm not even 100% sure how to customize the search itself, much less tweak the DB query to get the result I need.
Thanks in advance,
-- Neil