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Choosing a domain name :) (18 posts)

  1. Misera
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Sooo.. it's getting close to crunch time and I need to start moving things to a permanent non-temp/subdomain site. I've got to get it all up and running before I leave the country >_<. Finally decided to go ahead and register a domain name but I can't seem to decide on one yet. I'm making my wmpu blog site for my school's (UGA) student exchange and study abroad program. A name like is obviously tooooo long. Some I have been pondering over are,,, (2 a's look odd), (too cluttered and long + that a thing..). In the end, I can't decide and am looking for some suggestions (both new and about the ones I listed). Help me ;)

  2. mickemus
    Posted 18 years ago #

    hahaha... A tricky one, it is for you (as Yoda would say)! I guess the key is something a person can visualize as it helps ppl remember urls easier... if you think in the terms UGAabroad or UGAworld and user your site title like UGA Abroad / UGA World then I think ppl can remember the site names quite easy. what about ugaXchange or ugaTROTTER??? Play around with it and use your site theme to advantage! Mine is Buka Kanan which is a phrase I coined together with a Malaysian friend.. the phrase currently don't exist but it's roughly translated from the english "Rock on"!! I'm hoping that Malaysians will be using it as their daily slang in the next few years... if it happens.. I've succeeded!!!

    Luck is good - inguenity rocks! Buka Kanan!!!

  3. Misera
    Posted 18 years ago #

    HMMMMMMMMM those are nice, thank you!!! :D:D *gets excited*

  4. modifiedcontent
    Posted 18 years ago # looks best.

    Make it as straightforward as possible. Personally I don't mind longer phrases - within reason... - as long as they're straightforward. etc. is asking for trouble because of the double a thing. Slashes look weak. Playfull or funny names get old fast, unless you can turn it into "a brand".

  5. Misera
    Posted 18 years ago #

    /nods nods. *jots down more notes* So far from here + friends.. 2 people for, 1 ugaabroad, 2 ugaworld, 1 ugaxchange, 1 ugatrotter, 1 ugaexplorer, 1 ugaplanet (makes me think of captain planet lol).

    Doubt it'll ever be big enough to be 'a brand' so straightforward does seem best. Just playful and funny are.. playful and funny XD Maybe if I ever make it into a country wide college thing.. but my funds are so pitiful i'll be struggling to make sure this one stays up!

    Keep the suggestions coming :D:D

  6. mickemus
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I agree with modifiedcontent regarding and double/single aaaa's!! stay faaaar aaaawaaay!! it'll take you two months then someone has snapped up the other option and filled it with ads!!

    how about Just remember to use it wisely in your theme, title and posts... that'll make it rememberable!

  7. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Too bad there's not a *.ly TLD.


    I like the one as well. Usually I suggest folks stay away from purals as it takes two seconds for someone else to pick up the non-pural version and fill it with porn adverts.

    I was going to suggest looking into a *.edu put I just took a look at the new requirements and I don't think you would qualify.

    Plus, I can't see $40 a year for a domain. :(


  8. Misera
    Posted 18 years ago #

    ;p I get that enough at home with both my brothers going to/went to GaTech.. don't need more ug-ly jokes here lol.

    haha .. already taken XD

    :D getting many votes! Yea, I don't think my program coordinator would be too fond of that if she were checking on the site and then typed incorrectly and then shouted "OH MY...." in the office.

    unless I ran my own education programs then yea haha, don't think this would work. Though .edu would be great XD, I also don't think I'd spend $40 a year on it. Rather put that toward hosting upgrades if needed!

  9. mickemus
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Hey Misera.. (I'm rewriting this cause my firefox CRASHED and burned - does anyone know any autosave plugins that work on 2.x/wpmu?)! Do you have a webhost in mind?? If not I can strongly recommend SiteGround! I've been using webhosts since 1994 and I've never come across a host that is both CHEAP and reliable. I've logged several support tickets and no matte if it is 12am or 12pm they give me a SOLUTION within 15 minutes!!! I'm running wpmu off it as well as Gallery2 and they are bloghosting friendly too (nothing in TOS that says that I cannot)!! If you're interested.. click the link on my profile and you'll find a link to it in the blogroll!! If not, let me know who you use and your experiences! Cheerio!!

  10. modifiedcontent
    Posted 18 years ago # isn't bad either. With UGAexchange the risk is some people will almost assume it's ugaXchange.

  11. myteatro
    Posted 18 years ago #

    how about ?

  12. mickemus
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Misera! !!! Combination of

    can't get much catchier than that ;)

  13. Misera
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Thing about ugaworld that I've gotten from a few people is that is encompasses too much? Since it's just a plain blogging site for students on exchange/abroad programs then world might make people think too much of it :\ I'm not gonna be writing about other uga topics around the world lol, though I do really like the name! If I had more time that would actually be a neat addition to the blog site.. little news updates on UGA's activities as a university around the world.

    mickemus - haha I actually..... don't think most people would get that. Though good idea XD Also about siteground.. I went and looked up some threads on WHT for reviews. You have to pay for support tickets after 7 tickets? O_o;..

  14. mickemus
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I'm no guru at all of this but I've only used 3 on two domains in the last 6 months!!! and they combine them too.. so I still have plenty left...

  15. Misera
    Posted 18 years ago #

    :) I know plenty of people don't need that many.. but with any host I've been with, I've always exceeded 7 support tickets so I'd rather not have to limit myself on what I ask. But I do appreciate you giving me the suggestion!

    so.. top two plus a recent addition:,,

    oh domains are so hard to choose~~~ *goes crazy*

  16. cbolts
    Posted 18 years ago #

    How about or both are available and easy to remember!

  17. Misera
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Those are great indeed, but the problems with those are the range it 'could' cover and also the fact that there are tons of people that don't know what a blog is still XD. That would be a neat service to have though. Your university has it's own blogger where only UGA students are allowed to blog at! :D Just that would be a bit hard to manage haha. Mine is limited to people on exchange/abroad trips so I don't think I should take that domain in case someone does intend to create one for college wide. I will still add it into my list of possibilities though ;) Thanks!!

  18. mickemus
    Posted 18 years ago #

    what about two wpmu installs on one domain... ie --> -->

    I know it's a 'little long' since we're still not used to 4-part domain names yet... but... it gives away a little detail of the blog!!!

    btw... skip as it may work with the students (who are used to abbreviations) but their friends and families won't make much sense of it without 'translation'!! Two options left!!! Let us know when you've decided...

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