Posted 15 years ago #
Hello all! Thanks in advance for any help.
I have a wordpress mu install running 2.9-rc-1. Whenever I try to activate a plugin sitewide they disappear from the plugins page. The plugin installs and works correctly but you can not see them anymore to deactivate or update.
This happens for every plugin I have tried so far.
Are you logged in under the admin account? Site-wide plugins will not show up if you are logged under some bloguser ( or blogadmin ).
I've tested here with the same version and it seems to work perfectly. It's possible there is a conflict with some plugin of course.
They move to a different group on the plugins page (at the top, listed under activated sitewide plugins). So, they're not in alpha order with the rest of them. Did you notice that...?
Posted 15 years ago #
I am loggeed in as the site admin there is only one user account on all the blogs.
The only option I see is:
I will try and remove each plugin I have one by one and see if that works.
Thanks for the info!