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Smoothen the activation process (37 posts)

  1. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    That's very weird. I tested it outmyself - user sillyme is me. I got two emails, the activation one, and while I was looking at that, the password one. No idea if the password one got sent after I clicked on the activation link and got the same "blag already exists" message.

    I really don't know what's goping on - I do know that is not what it's supposed to do, It's like the activation switch it getting tripped along the way. the emails came super-fast as well. Timestamp was the same on both. Looking at the headers, the password one was sent 12 SECONDS after the activation one,

    Any chance you can switch hosts?

  2. modifiedcontent
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Thanks for testing andrea_r.

    I'm not convinced yet the problem is my host. I've switched to Bluehost less than a year ago and have few complaints so far. It's a big hosting company.

    I've already tried the complete fresh install and that didn't help either.

    The blogs are created corrected. The e-mails are sent (fast is good, isn't it?). Everything seems to move smoothly, except for the activation message.

    How could 'the activation switch get tripped along the way'? Shouldn't Wordpress MU's script prevent that from happening no matter how my host's server is configured?

    How could the host interfere with the activitation process? Which scripts on the host's server does WPMU's registration process have to communicate with?

    If the problem really is on my host's server I want to know what it is... ;-)

  3. modifiedcontent
    Posted 18 years ago #

    ...and I may be the only one so far that has reported this particular problem, but I'm not the only one reporting problems in the registration process.

    All I'm saying is I wouldn't rule out the possibility the WPMU registration/activation script requires some finetuning.

  4. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    That might be so, but if it did, then the rest of us should have the exact same problem. You might think fast is good, but if I got the password email twelve seconds after the activation email - that doesn't even give me time to go activate it, you know?

  5. modifiedcontent
    Posted 18 years ago #

    That might be so, but if it did, then the rest of us should have the exact same problem. You might think fast is good, but if I got the password email twelve seconds after the activation email - that doesn't even give me time to go activate it, you know?

    Yes, I understand, I'm not completely retarded. :-)

    My point was that to me the problem seems not so much my fast host, but a flaw in WPMU's script that allows at least this particular server to send out passwords before the user has clicked on the validation link.

    Whereever the problem occurs, I think it's worth finding out. That the rest of us doesn't have this exact same problem doesn't mean there can't be a flaw in the script.

    I'm not a php coder, so it's hard to figure out where to look for the culprit. Which scripts (or whatever) on the host server does WPMU's registration script use? How is activation triggered? How is it possible that my host's server can apparently activate blogs on his own?

  6. modifiedcontent
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Can anyone tell me which scripts/functions (?) on the host's server are involved in the registration process?

    I want to ask my hosting provider why their server activates blogs before the activation link is clicked on. If my host can explain this behavior it could lead to improvements in Wordpress MU.

  7. blogga
    Posted 18 years ago #

    did you ever get a resolution to this? i have an intermittent activation fault, sometimes it generates the email other times it says 'The blog is already active.' even before a password has been provided

About this Topic

  • Started 18 years ago by modifiedcontent
  • Latest reply from blogga