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Userthemes in 2.9.1 (14 posts)

  1. jugoretz
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Using DSader's fantastic userthemes revisited, which has always been terrific for me.

    But today I upgraded wpmu to 2.9.1, and userthemes weirdness began.

    Blogs that were already using userthemes are OK, but I'm not able to activate userthemes for any other blog, new or old.

    I'll try to provide all the info I'm finding, even if not all of it is relevant.

    When I go into the userthemes management menu in Site Admin, and try to activate userthemes for a blog where it wasn't activated before, it seems to be successful. However, visiting userthemes under Appearance, I see 122 userthemes listed--although I have 5 set as the maximum. I can't delete any of those (I get a successful deletion message--but they're still there). I can't activate them, either (although that's a bit inconsistent).

    At the top of that window, where it says "all of this theme's files are located in..." it lists the main wp-content/themes/name-of-theme location, rather than blogs.dir/number/themes/name-of-theme.

    The preview image seems to be looking at a full server path (/var/www/vhosts/httpdocs/http://URL instead of just http://URL), and no image shows.

    In the main listing of userthemes (in the userthemes management Site Admin panel), every blog is listed as storing its theme in the same blogs.dir number (1004).

    New themes folder is not being created in blogs.dir/number when I try to enable userthemes for a new blog.

    Permissions and file/directory ownerships are all good.

    Any ideas here? This has been such a terrific and useful plugin, and (I hope) this should be easy to fix?

  2. jugoretz
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Hate to sound pathetic, but I thought I'd give this one little bump. Anyone want to try a fix? Is it maybe related to the register_theme_directory() function which is new in 2.9?

    I know some people are not upgrading from 2.8.6 until this is fixed, but I'm already upgraded, the semester starts next week, and I would really like to have userthemes working!

    Dsader, are you out there? Can you help?

    Thanks in advance for anything anyone can do.

  3. jugoretz
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Well, thanks to a very opportune comment from Rod on a blog post I wrote about this problem, there is a workaround.

    If you go to Userthemes management as a site admin, and set the MAX Userthemes Per Blog to a number which is greater than the total number of themes you have installed, it is once again possible to copy system themes to userthemes, and then activate them.

    It's not the ideal workaround, but it is a workaround, and maybe the fact that that works gives a clue as to what the real problem might be? In any case, it's enough to get things working for the start of the semester!

  4. dsader
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I haven't upgraded to WPMU 2.9.1, nor have I made the time to look into the userthemes plugin.

    I still use the plugin actively, so when I upgrade to 2.9.1 on a test server, I'll incorporate a fix, or dream one up.

    I would like to upgrade soon, final exams start Monday and new semester starts Feb 1, so I'm in a crunch to get it done myself.

    Thanks for the heads-up.


  5. Anonymous
    Posted 14 years ago #

    thank of your information.

  6. jimgroom
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Any headway on this Joe?

  7. jimgroom
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Just tried the work around Joe in 2.9.1 to no avail. Hmmm, still working.

  8. dsader
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I've been tinkering again, but I've been going in circles.

    Haven't had enough time yet to really work out the bugs (there were enough of them to begin with).

    I don't have anything to share as of today.

    I haven't fixed a major bug which occurs when switching themes in the usual themes.php page while a usertheme was the last active theme in the userthemes page. I try to workaround by activating a System theme in the userthemes page before switching themes in the regular themes.php page. The plugin filters the theme path, but switching themes without the plugin doesn't set the path back to normal.

    I'd like to use the new themes functions from WPMU 2.9, but I haven't gotten that far yet: register_theme_directory, search_theme_directories etc.

  9. jimgroom
    Posted 14 years ago #


    I know your a busy man, so no sweat. I have a work around hack for now if and when you get around to it. Thing is, I imagine the merge is gonna have to con sider how to let people edit themes via the sites logic of the new "wpmu." we'll see, but in the meantime, thanks a ton for all you do with your plugins, I've been dependent on your innovation for years now.

  10. mustafaramadhan
    Posted 14 years ago #

  11. davidewarner
    Posted 14 years ago #

    If you go to Userthemes management as a site admin, and set the MAX Userthemes Per Blog to a number which is greater than the total number of themes you have installed, it is once again possible to copy system themes to userthemes, and then activate them.

    I'm having the same problem and am trying this workaround with no success. WHERE do you set the MAX Userthemes Per Blog variable? I can't find that in the Admin panel...

  12. Gabrielmelvoin21
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I have the same problem! I spent like an hour searching for the max userthemes but nothing! :(

  13. swesat
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Hi Dsader,

    I have a problem with the plugin: I don't see the point of having the list of userthemes because they are called either B or P or some other letter and can neither be previewed nor activated.
    However the tray containing system themes works fine.So I can just use this one, :)
    only if I copy a theme that appears in system themes it doesn't show up in userthemes unfortunately.

  14. jugoretz
    Posted 14 years ago #

    @davidewarner and @Gabrielmelvoin21
    MAX Userthemes per Blog is a setting in the UserThemes Management Menu
    (under Site Admin in your dashboard).

    It's at YOUR_URL/wp-admin/wpmu-admin.php?page=management_page

About this Topic

  • Started 15 years ago by jugoretz
  • Latest reply from jugoretz