Posted 14 years ago #
So a month ago I realized what a genius I was because I was going to set up all my client demo sites using WPMU. Just create a new blog of each client, build a new child template and bob's your uncle.
So now it is time to start moving those MU blogs over to the clients WP hosting. I know I can do it with a little pain but I was wondering if anyone had experience with this and if they could recommend and workflow to get this done smoothly.
Looking forward to your responses!
I would install a fresh Wordpress single user on client's domain, upload the template files your using from the Mu install, and use an export of the content from the Mu to import into the single user client install.
"build a new child template "
Make sure you move over the parent theme as well. also, any needed plugins.
you may also want to do a dump of the MU blog's option's table and import it into the client blog if you fiddled with widgets or plugin settings.