Posted 14 years ago #
When I the submit button to install the wordpress mu all I get is a white screen. the same thing I got when I updated to 2.9.1 and as a result had to delete everything thing and start again........
Now I try to install mu and all i get is a white screen... I'll be glad if anyone could help?
White screen means php error - look in your php error log.
I have the same problem. Don't know for sure, but I suppose it is a hosting issue as I successfully installed MU on another host.
The funny thing is that I can install the single Wordpress using Fantastico but have not succeeded (3 days now) to install WPMU. And my error log shows nothing about it (I use a shared hosting account).
have you got error reporting turned on and set to go the log file?
Posted 14 years ago #
Check this one, this is the culprit ... I think.
it is probably that wpmu is not really made to work on a shared host. In many cases, those host rent you a low php_memory_limit. And MU is intended for many many users, not 2 or 10.
WPMU requires 64Mo php memory (view in wp-settings.php) and your host probably gives you only 12 or 20...Use php_info() if you want to know this exactly.
This also explain why a single install could work (at the install) on such a server, but after installing some plugins or havingyour community growing heavily, you can encounter problems - due to the same memory limit reason.