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wordpress or wordpress mu to start? (4 posts)

  1. nadine00
    Posted 14 years ago #


    I have a client that's looking to eventually start hosting private blogs, and I figured using wordpress mu would be a really good solution for them. They are a small publishing type property.

    However, they are not planning to do this for at the very least a couple of months.

    So I'm wondering if I should just develop a base wordpress theme for them, rather than deal with mu right away, seeing as that the codebase is going to merge.

    If I do decide to just start with a base wordpress theme, will it still work once the merge happens? Would I better off starting with mu off the bat?



  2. SteveAtty
    Posted 14 years ago #

    start off with MU - that way you can get used to it all and find out which plugs you need and which ones work.

  3. andrea_r
    Posted 14 years ago #

    You know themes are exactly the same for wordpress & MU right?

    The only thing added in "mu themes" is sitewide features, and they are all available via plugins, which are added to the theme.

    MU rolling in with WP doesn't mean it is going away; the functionality will be there. in 3.0. If the client is going to have multiple blogs anyway, I'd start with MU now.

  4. nadine00
    Posted 14 years ago #


About this Topic

  • Started 14 years ago by nadine00
  • Latest reply from nadine00