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WPMU Posts Navigation (14 posts)

  1. Lal
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Does anybody has a working plugin which lets a MPMU site have a page navigation of its published post entries like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...

    I have specified the number of entries to show in the main page of the website. But other entries which are older than the specified number of entries are not showing.

    The plugin should be compatible to work with a WMPU site which has a sub-directory blogs.

    And for some or the other reasons, the Archive link for a month is not working. Anyone any suggestion and brilliant ideas?


  2. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    There's a tag used specifically for this. Sounds like it is not present in the theme.
    While it doesn't (to my knowledge so far) use the numbers, it does do a Next Page | Previous page system.

    Got a link?

  3. Lal
    Posted 18 years ago #

    The link is:

    I tried using wp-pagenavi202 from

    And got the output as you can see from the above site. But when I clicked on the numberings (which linked as, it always go to the new blog signup/ registration area. Which makes me to create a static page called "Page" with a blank content. But even then, i am not being successful to call the next 10 older posts.

    Any ideas how to go about this?

  4. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Edit your site's template to include the tag I linked to above.

    I also found a plugin specifically for WP that should do what you want:

  5. Lal
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Ok, here is something that might help though I cant figure out the solution for the problem as yet.

    When I changed the permalinks settins to "Default" i.e., setting.

    The page navigation 1, 2, 3, works ok.

    Which means that it has something to do with mod_rewrite which will force and rewrite the to go to the appropriate older 10 post entries listing? or some code hacking of the above plugin which will let me use something like <!--navigator--> in the static "page".

    Any expertise and more suggestions?


  6. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I edited my post above (while you were posting :) ) to include a helpful link.

    Static Pages in WP are outside the Posts heirarchy, so if you're loking to paginate posts, it's not gonna work using Pages.

  7. Lal
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I have tried out scriptygoddess's plugin too. ;))

    And now I have put the link that you told me to put. But the link is the same. If I clicked on the link, it goes to the signup page. =))

  8. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I think you put it in the wrong spot. :)

  9. Lal
    Posted 18 years ago #

    This is the index.php theme:

    <div id="hmarupdates">
    Recently Updated Content
    <?php if (have_posts()) : ?>

    <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    <?php if (in_category('13')) continue; ?>
    » " rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?>
    <?php endwhile; ?>

    <?php posts_nav_link(); ?>
    <small><?php if(function_exists('wp_pagenavi')) { wp_pagenavi(); } ?></small>
    <?php else : ?>

    <h2>Not Found</h2>
    Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here.
    <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . "/searchform.php"); ?>

    <?php endif; ?>


  10. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    The posts_nav_link should be outside the loop, like this:

    <?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php else : ?>

    <h2>Not Found</h2>
    Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here.
    <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . "/searchform.php"); ?>

    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php posts_nav_link(); ?>
    <small><?php if(function_exists('wp_pagenavi')) { wp_pagenavi(); } ?></small>


  11. Lal
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I did that, but it still doesn't work. It is conflicting with the sub-directory blog registration option. :-)

  12. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Something in your theme or permalink settings is messed up. I can't pinpoint it exactly without combing over the whole template (please don't paste it in the forum, it'll be too long and get eaten as well)

    I knwo the previous/next links work on my setup, across all blogs. I haven't had a change to test the pagination yet.

  13. Lal
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Here is the theme index.php:

  14. conpeo
    Posted 17 years ago #

    <?php posts_nav_link(); ?>
    <small><?php if(function_exists('wp_pagenavi')) { wp_pagenavi(); } ?></small>

    posts navigation show error below.

    WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1]

    how to edit plugin to implement this post navigate in MU version.

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