a4architect.com suddenly has 0 visitors per day after unsuccesful manual upgrade to 2.9.1. Some pages show 'page not found' which goes to nomal page after i refresh. Please help..
a4architect.com suddenly has 0 visitors per day after unsuccesful manual upgrade to 2.9.1. Some pages show 'page not found' which goes to nomal page after i refresh. Please help..
Well if it was unsuccessful what did you do to roll back?
i just deleted the copied wp 2.9.1 files from cpanel
am also having problems with the widgets page-sometimes the widget sidebar disappears
after deleting a plug in for showing visitor statistics, i can now see an increase in the number of visitors to my site
Well I tried to access your site and it took about 2 minutes to load the font page....
maybe its the images