I've started setting up a stats program for people using Mu and Nginx.
The main problems I've found with php based stats programs is the don't scale very well and they use a lot of resources.
I wanted something where:
1. I control the data.
2. It can work across multiple sub domains of the Mu installation.
3. It doesn't use up valuable resources.
4. It works fast
5. Information can be used from it for 'most viewed' type widgets etc
The stats system uses a combination of Nginx logs, python to parse the logs, and Google App Engine to store and display results. Here is why I chose this type of set up:
1. I chose App Engine because it has a large free quota plus good scalability and it means I don't have to use my own server resources much.
2. Python can quickly parse nginx logs with low resource usage.
It's not completely finished yet, but I'm looking for some testers. You'll need to be able to:
1. Make some changes to your nginx conf file for a specific log format (straight forward instructions will be provided)
2. You'll need to include a python script in your hourly or daily cron jobs.
3. You'll need to sign up for a free google appengine account and upload the app. Again this is pretty simple. You need to do this so you can have your own private stats for your mu set up.
4. Install plugin in mu-plugin folder which will create an admin page for users to view stats for their blogs. Stats are presented with javascript by parsing json from appengine so its low overhead on your site again.
Please reply to the thread if you're interested.