We're running Wordpress Mu 2.7.1. Whenever a user posts a comment to another user's post, one of two things happens:
1. If they're not logged in, and they fill out the website text box (along with name and email), whenever their comment is posted, their name becomes a link to whatever website they filled out.
2. If they're logged in, they don't have an option to fill out their name, email, or website. When they leave a comment, the name related to their account is used, but no link is created to their blog.
It would make sense that a link would be created to the user's primary blog if they're logged in. As it stands, I have to tell the users to log out and fill in the website textbox when they comment in order for a link to be created to their blog. Seems silly.
Is this the normal behavior? Is there any simple way to fix this, other than to go hack the code that displays comments? I'm guessing that would need to be done on a theme-by-theme basis, right? I tested this with 3 separate themes and they all seem to do the same thing.