Warning: Do not run this script on a livesite unless you know what you're doing! ;)
I have been playing around with a script that could automatically delete inactive blogs. I haven't tested it properly yet, but it's been made available here.
I programmed it with the idea, that it should be executed once every day - e.g. by a cronjob or manually.
There are some basic settings which should be pretty self-explanatory.
What it does is twofold:
1. Send an email to the owner of all blogs that haven't been updated for e.g. 7 days (configurable) saying that their blog will be deleted when it's been inactive for 30 days (also configurable).
2. Automatically deletes all blogs that have not been updated for the past 30 days (configurable) and notify the blogowner by email that it has been deleted.
The script deletes all bloginformation and -data but not the users data.
Requests, suggestions and bug reports are very welcome!
Warning: Do not run on a livesite unless you know what you're doing! ;)