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How can I list all blogs (33 posts)

  1. moose123
    Posted 16 years ago #

    My apologies for my ignorance, but in his instructions, the author of List All blogs says to"

    "Simply place list-all.php in your mu-plugins directory and then you can call the list from any page by the function list_all_wpmu_blogs(LIMIT, DISPLAY, BEGIN_WRAP, END_WRAP, ORDER)."

    I've intalled the plugin, but when I try to put this code into a new page using code view it gets parsed as text. Could someone clue me into what I'm missing? Do I have to create a custom template just to put list my blogs on a page?

    Thanks a lot.

  2. moose123
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Please disregard my previous post. Andrea_r's excellent instructions helped me figure it out.

  3. Oo7rockstar
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Try to work off of this!

    function widget_list_newest_blogs($args) {

    if(function_exists(fimii_wpmu_newest_blogs)) {
    echo $before_widget;

    echo $before_title . 'Recently Created Blogs' . $after_title;
    echo "

      echo "

    echo $after_widget;
    } else {
    echo "Error - function list_all_wpmu_blogs not found";
    register_sidebar_widget('List Newest Blogs', 'widget_list_newest_blogs');

About this Topic

  • Started 18 years ago by uncphan
  • Latest reply from Oo7rockstar