Posted 14 years ago #
WPMU can set max upload file size for sitewide from options, but I want to limit this number per blog. For example, main blog can upload 1mb max, and second blog can only upload 500kb in size.
This question seems so common, but couldn't yet find the answer.
Does anyone know how?
WPMU limits the total amount of space available for uploads, not the size of the files themselves.
Posted 14 years ago #
I'm not talking about Blog upload space, I'm talking about Max upload file size. I thought such options can be edited from each blog options, but there's only option to set Blog upload space.
What Andrea is saying is that it's not possible out of the box. It's not a per-blog configuration. It's a per-site configuration.
You might be able to write a plugin to change it to per-blog. But, I haven't looked to see if there are any hooks to do it.
Posted 14 years ago #
I should put this on feature suggestions now. :)
I'm thinking it's possible plugin territory.
Posted 14 years ago #
I am trying to accomplish the same thing, and set a per-blog upload limit (for both space and max filesize).
Does anyone know where in the code WPMU references these limits? I don't think there is any sort of hook to do this, I think it will require a core edit.