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Trouble with media folders (10 posts)

  1. schwipps
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Hi there !
    I'm getting in trouble with the media gallery : when I had a picture, this one goes to ROOT > wp-content > files > blog.dir > 1 > files [...], but then Wordpress tries to find the pictures in ROOT > files.

    I heard I could change the path in Settings > Media, but it seems that some parameters are missing :/

    How can I solve this issue ??

  2. schwipps
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I'm stuck with this for a week now.
    Nobody has a clue about where this can come from ?? I'd really (really !) appreciate it.

  3. ffrazier
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I'm having a similar problem. I can upload images using the media uploader via quickpress but when I try to upload media through add new posts, it fails. The image I upload goes into my \wp-content\blogs.dir\4\files\20102 folder but wont show up in my media library.

  4. schwipps
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I'm facing this issue in the media library as well.
    According what I said in my first post, I have duplicate my files directory to the root directory and... It worked ! Pictures are now displayed in the media library and in my blog

    Of course, it doesn't really solve the issue, but it shows that wp mu saves the media files in a root (wp-content/blog.dir/#/files/..., characteristic of the mu multi blog data architecture), which is not the one where the media library is looking for.

    So the question is how to redirect the media library to wp-content/blog.dir/#/...

  5. andrea_r
    Posted 14 years ago #

    the media uploader should be looking in the rewritten (correct) place though. FWIW, this is working for me on another install.

    Check your htaccess file, make sure the file uploads rewrite are theme. Compare that file to htaccess.dist that came with the download.

  6. schwipps
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I found the htaccess.dist file , but where can I find the other one that you talk about ? (My blog is not online yet, I'm using MAMP)

  7. schwipps
    Posted 14 years ago #

    If you meant to replace my htaccess.dist by the original one, it doesn't change anything.

  8. schwipps
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I've noticed that I didn't have any .htaccess in my root folder.

    I don't know if I was supposed to, but if so, it probably disappeared by copy/deleting it, as long as it's no viewable in my Finder.
    Besides, I created a .htaccess file, which I filled with the content of my htaccess.dist file. Then, nothing at all worked anymore (neither blog nor admin accessible) until I deleted it.

    Then, I tried an other way : in the admin interface, I went to Website Admin > Blogs > Modify (the one concerned) > Set File Upload URL from "files" to "(virtualhost)/wp-content/blogs.dir/#/files"

    And... It doesn't work neither :((
    I'm I getting closer or these parameters don't have anything to do with... ?

  9. kgraeme
    Posted 14 years ago #

    When doing an install of wpmu, the installer automatically copies the contents of the htaccess.dist file into a .htaccess file and makes modifications to it for the path structure.

    You mention that it's not viewable in the Finder, which tells me you're using a Mac. The Mac follows unix conventions and hides files that begin with a dot, such as ".htaccess".

    The .htaccess file for wpmu is what tells Apache to look for certain files in certain locations.

  10. schwipps
    Posted 14 years ago #

    You guys ROCK !!! I finally fixed this by reinstalling wp-mu, from which I've been able to retrieve the generated .htaccess file.

    I guess my big mistake has been to move some files/folders by picking them inside the root folder, with the consequence of forgetting the hidden files.

    Thanks a lot. You've been very helpful !

About this Topic

  • Started 14 years ago by schwipps
  • Latest reply from schwipps