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Missing Publish box in admin (2 posts)

  1. kgraeme
    Posted 14 years ago #

    We've got one user that is missing the Publish box on the post edit screen. If a site admin logs into the same blog, the Publish box shows up fine so it appears to be something unique to that user/blog combination.

    There might be a bug in how Subscribe2 hooks into the screen options, but we disabled that plugin and Deanna even wrote a little fix for it, but the user still isn't seeing the Publish box.

    I've looked through wp_usermeta a bit but I don't see anything that jumps out. Having a bit of trouble decoding some of the cryptically obscure value strings though. (WP documentation LOL!)

    Anyone seen this? Thoughts or tips on places to look?

  2. DeannaS
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Just to keep you all updated - we discovered that it's not really missing. The user switched to 1 column display, which puts all the widgets in 1 column. When you switch back to 2 column display, however, it doesn't really switch back. So, it looks like the right hand widgets are gone, when they're really on the page, just farther down.

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