I wanna to change the apperance of dashboard's users and change this with beatifull icons etc. can i change with a plugin?
I wanna to change the apperance of dashboard's users and change this with beatifull icons etc. can i change with a plugin?
The dashboard can be modified via plugins. I'm not sure exactly what you want to modify. You can look at this plugin to see how I've changed some aspects of the dashboard:
i wanna change every thing in dashboar and make difference
You mean you want to customize the admin area. The Dashboard is just one section of that.
There's a plugin that does what you want. Change the plugin as much as you like.
thanks andrea alot.what you think about my theme http://www.webloghaa.com
I heve new question : i need fluency-admin verion of wpmu . thats dont work when i upload at mu-plugins
put in /plugins/ and activate it sitewide.
It may not have worked in mu-plugins because you left the files in a subfolder. They don't get read that way.
how can I set this up as new user's default..?