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New Blog > Twitter (1 post)

  1. callumalden
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I'm sure this has been done, so let me build on what must be an obvious idea: a plugin that will post a tweet after every new user signup / blog on a WPMU install. the plugin would only post the tweet once the new user has logged in and edited / posted their first item.

    it would also be amazing if the plugin were to grab the first tags from the user's intial post and used those as hashtags:

    "John has a new [sitename here] blog: #wordpress #tags #stupidity"

    so far i'm using a long-way-around:

    customise the output to wait 1 day before sending a 'follow up email' to my account at >

About this Topic

  • Started 14 years ago by callumalden