Looking to hire an expert in WPMU to fix a few glitches on my site.
Here are some issues that I am aware of that need fixing:
I am looking for help to fix "reverse" a core hack that was done by my PREVIOUS tech support guy.
When my site was initially designed, I had a freelancer do some custom
hacks on my site, one of the hacks that he did, I would like
Note: This freelancer just dropped off of the face of the earth and I have no way to contact him or to find out exactly what he did. "so now I have to hire another to fix things"
In the core hack he did, it somehow overrides the easy adsenser, so now google ads do not work on my site.
I need the adsenser plugin to work.
Note" Now none of the blogs that are up and running have any ads on them! Google adsense ads do not pop up on blogs!
When I access my cpanel and try to make changes to my adsense blocks,
I get a message pertaining to the Core hack etc....
I also need the site supporter plugin fixed as, that does not work anymore either.
PS: It is also important for you to know that my website was HACKED and since this loser messed around with my installation, some things are messed up. Lord knows what else he did!
Although my site is currently running, I need a expert to get down and dirty to fix the mess that a hacker did to my site.
If you think you are the one to fix a few glitches for me. Please reply to this message so we can have a chat.
Plese: no amateurs need reply, as I also am, an amateur!