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Translating wpmu 2.9.2 (3 posts)

  1. DaNiel
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Despite my efforts to translate wpmu since 2.7 to use with BuddyPress, i always encountered some admin strings whitch wheren't. Not critical but annoying.
    So i grabbed to find what i was missing and found some interresting things in the 800 and something files...

    At first a curious _x followed by the knowed ('something', 'to translate'). Yeap ! I inserted the _x in the poEdit key words, but this didn't work. Back to my files to understand this new bug. In fact it is not a bug, but a kind of dev comment... So i take over the x and replaced it by a _ and i had my untranslated file poEditable and translated.

    For those who want to do the same,here's the list of all untranslated strings i found in wpmu 2.9.2
    Take care that in some case you have to remove/replace the x but also some words before the underscore. (like this: echo esc_html_x)
    I also read somewhere that function _x was deprecated...

    Anyway, i think now somebody didn't his job or forgot to tell us enduser something.

    Line 649 :     if ( false === $commenttxt ) $commenttxt = _x( 'Comment', 'noun' );
    Line 263 : 		'approve'	=> _x('Approved', 'adjective'),
    Line 265 : 		'spam'		=> _x('Spam', 'adjective'),
    Line 647 : 			echo  '<li class="recentcomments">' . /* translators: comments widget: 1: comment author, 2: post link */ sprintf(_x('%1$s on %2$s', 'widgets'), get_comment_author_link(), '<a href="' . esc_url( get_comment_link($comment->comment_ID) ) . '">' . get_the_title($comment->comment_post_ID) . '</a>') . '</li>';
    Line 1810 : 	_deprecated_function(__FUNCTION__, '2.9', '_x' );
    Line 40 : 		$opening_quote = _x('“', 'opening curly quote');
    Line 42 : 		$closing_quote = _x('”', 'closing curly quote');
    Line 1026 : 	$calendar_caption = _x('%1$s %2$s', 'calendar caption');
    Line 1204 : function the_date_xml() {
    Line 1458 : 		'separator'	=> _x('&raquo;', 'feed link'),
    Line 1481 : 		'separator'   => _x('&raquo;', 'feed link'),
    Line 195 : function _x( $single, $context, $domain = 'default' ) {
    Line 1200 : 	$datef = _x( 'j F, Y @ G:i', 'revision date format');
    Line 1270 : 	$titlef = _x( '%1$s by %2$s', 'post revision' );
    Line 258 : 			'good' => _x('Medium', 'password strength'),
    Line 153 : delta_width:"' . /* translators: Extra width for the media popup in pixels */ mce_escape( _x('0', 'media popup width') ) . '",
    Line 154 : delta_height:"' . /* translators: Extra height for the media popup in pixels */ mce_escape( _x('0', 'media popup height') ) . '",
    Line 182 : style_select:"' . mce_escape( /* translators: TinyMCE font styles */ _x('Styles', 'TinyMCE font styles') ) . '",
    Line 216 : link_delta_width:"' . /* translators: Extra width for the link popup in pixels */ mce_escape( _x('0', 'link popup width') ) . '",
    Line 217 : link_delta_height:"' . /* translators: Extra height for the link popup in pixels */ mce_escape( _x('0', 'link popup height') ) . '",
    Line 220 : image_delta_width:"' . /* translators: Extra width for the image popup in pixels */ mce_escape( _x('0', 'image popup width') ) . '",
    Line 221 : image_delta_height:"' . /* translators: Extra height for the image popup in pixels */ mce_escape( _x('0', 'image popup height') ) . '",
    Line 245 : colorpicker_delta_width:"' . /* translators: Extra width for the colorpicker popup in pixels */ mce_escape( _x('0', 'colorpicker popup width') ) . '",
    Line 246 : colorpicker_delta_height:"' . /* translators: Extra height for the colorpicker popup in pixels */ mce_escape( _x('0', 'colorpicker popup height') ) . '"
    Line 52 : 	<p><cite><?php comment_type(_x('Comment', 'noun'), __('Trackback'), __('Pingback')); ?> <?php _e("by"); ?> <?php comment_author_link() ?> — <?php comment_date() ?> @ <a href="#comment-<?php comment_ID() ?>"><?php comment_time() ?></a></cite></p>
    Line 24 : 	<p><cite><?php comment_type(_x('Comment', 'noun'), __('Trackback'), __('Pingback')); ?> <?php _e('by'); ?> <?php comment_author_link() ?> — <?php comment_date() ?> @ <a href="#comment-<?php comment_ID() ?>"><?php comment_time() ?></a></cite> <?php edit_comment_link(__("Edit This"), ' |'); ?></p>
    Line 130 : <th scope="row" valign="top"><?php /* translators: field name in comment form */ echo _x('Comment', 'noun'); ?></th>
    Line 195 : 		comments_number("<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$id' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link */ _x('0', 'comment count') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$id' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link */ _x('1', 'comment count') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$id' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link: % will be substituted by comment count */ _x('%', 'comment count') . '</span></a>');
    Line 195 : 		comments_number("<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$id' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link */ _x('0', 'comment count') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$id' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link */ _x('1', 'comment count') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$id' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link: % will be substituted by comment count */ _x('%', 'comment count') . '</span></a>');
    Line 195 : 		comments_number("<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$id' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link */ _x('0', 'comment count') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$id' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link */ _x('1', 'comment count') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$id' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link: % will be substituted by comment count */ _x('%', 'comment count') . '</span></a>');
    Line 50 : <label class="approved"><input type="radio"<?php checked( $comment->comment_approved, '1' ); ?> name="comment_status" value="1" /><?php /* translators: comment type radio button */ echo _x('Approved', 'adjective') ?></label><br />
    Line 51 : <label class="waiting"><input type="radio"<?php checked( $comment->comment_approved, '0' ); ?> name="comment_status" value="0" /><?php /* translators: comment type radio button */ echo _x('Pending', 'adjective') ?></label><br />
    Line 52 : <label class="spam"><input type="radio"<?php checked( $comment->comment_approved, 'spam' ); ?> name="comment_status" value="spam" /><?php /* translators: comment type radio button */ echo _x('Spam', 'adjective'); ?></label>
    Line 109 : 		'publish' => array(_x('Published', 'page'), __('Published pages'), _nx_noop('Published <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'Published <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'page')),
    Line 110 : 		'future' => array(_x('Scheduled', 'page'), __('Scheduled pages'), _nx_noop('Scheduled <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'Scheduled <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'page')),
    Line 111 : 		'pending' => array(_x('Pending Review', 'page'), __('Pending pages'), _nx_noop('Pending Review <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'Pending Review <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'page')),
    Line 112 : 		'draft' => array(_x('Draft', 'page'), _x('Drafts', 'manage posts header'), _nx_noop('Draft <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'Drafts <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'page')),
    Line 112 : 		'draft' => array(_x('Draft', 'page'), _x('Drafts', 'manage posts header'), _nx_noop('Draft <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'Drafts <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'page')),
    Line 113 : 		'private' => array(_x('Private', 'page'), __('Private pages'), _nx_noop('Private <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'Private <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'page')),
    Line 114 : 		'trash' => array(_x('Trash', 'page'), __('Trash pages'), _nx_noop('Trash <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'Trash <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'page'))
    Line 144 : <h2><?php echo esc_html( $title ); ?> <a href="page-new.php" class="button add-new-h2"><?php echo esc_html_x('Add New', 'page'); ?></a>
    Line 360 : <?php  /* translators: column name */ echo _x('Comment', 'column name') ?>
    Line 137 : <h2><?php echo esc_html( $title ); ?> <a href="post-new.php" class="button add-new-h2"><?php echo esc_html_x('Add New', 'post'); ?></a> 
    Line 27 : function _x() {}
    Line 27 : function _x() {}
    Line 18 : $timezone_format = _x('Y-m-d G:i:s', 'timezone date format');
    Line 28 : $tabs['featured'] = _x('Featured','Plugin Installer');
    Line 29 : $tabs['popular']  = _x('Popular','Plugin Installer');
    Line 30 : $tabs['new']      = _x('Newest','Plugin Installer');
    Line 31 : $tabs['updated']  = _x('Recently Updated','Plugin Installer');
    Line 290 : <h2><?php echo esc_html( $title ); if ( is_site_admin() ) { ?> <a href="plugin-install.php" class="button add-new-h2"><?php echo esc_html_x('Add New', 'plugin'); ?></a><?php } ?></h2>
    Line 176 : 	<h4><?php /* translators: Theme stylesheets in theme editor */ echo _x('Styles', 'Theme stylesheets in theme editor'); ?></h4>
    Line 33 : $tabs['featured'] = _x('Featured','Theme Installer');
    Line 34 : //$tabs['popular']  = _x('Popular','Theme Installer');
    Line 35 : $tabs['new']      = _x('Newest','Theme Installer');
    Line 36 : $tabs['updated']  = _x('Recently Updated','Theme Installer');
    Line 162 : <h2><?php echo esc_html( $title ); if ( is_multisite() && is_site_admin() || is_multisite() == false ) { ?> <a href="theme-install.php" class="button add-new-h2"><?php echo esc_html_x('Add New', 'theme'); ?></a> <?php } ?></h2>
    Line 174 : <h2><?php echo esc_html( $title ); ?> <a href="media-new.php" class="button add-new-h2"><?php echo esc_html_x('Add New', 'file'); ?></a> <?php
    Line 355 : 	<th scope="col"><?php /* translators: column name in media */ echo _x('Media', 'media column name'); ?></th>
    Line 356 : 	<th scope="col"><?php /* translators: column name in media */ echo _x('Author', 'media column name'); ?></th>
    Line 357 : 	<th scope="col"><?php /* translators: column name in media */ echo _x('Date Added', 'media column name'); ?></th>
    Line 365 : 	<th scope="col"><?php /* translators: column name in media */ echo _x('Media', 'media column name'); ?></th>
    Line 366 : 	<th scope="col"><?php /* translators: column name in media */ echo _x('Author', 'media column name'); ?></th>
    Line 367 : 	<th scope="col"><?php /* translators: column name in media */ echo _x('Date Added', 'media column name'); ?></th>
    Line 243 : <h2><?php echo esc_html( $title ); if ( get_site_option( 'add_new_users' ) ) { ?>  <a href="user-new.php" class="button add-new-h2"><?php echo esc_html_x('Add New', 'user'); ?></a><?php }
    Line 556 : 		$actions['spam'] = "<a href='$spam_url' class='delete:the-comment-list:comment-$comment->comment_ID::spam=1 vim-s vim-destructive' title='" . __( 'Mark this comment as spam' ) . "'>" . /* translators: mark as spam link */  _x( 'Spam', 'verb' ) . '</a>';
    Line 560 : 			$actions['trash'] = "<a href='$trash_url' class='delete:the-comment-list:comment-$comment->comment_ID::trash=1 delete vim-d vim-destructive' title='" . __( 'Move this comment to the trash' ) . "'>" . _x('Trash', 'verb') . '</a>';
    Line 603 : 			<h4 class="comment-meta"><?php printf( _x( '%1$s on %2$s', 'dashboard' ), "<strong>$type</strong>", $comment_post_link." ".$comment_link ); ?></h4>
    Line 1680 : <a href="#" id="clear"><?php echo _x('Clear', 'verb'); ?></a>
    Line 379 : 	<label for="ping_status" class="selectit"><input name="ping_status" type="checkbox" id="ping_status" value="open" <?php checked($post->ping_status, 'open'); ?> /><?php printf( __('Allow <a href="%s" target="_blank">trackbacks and pingbacks</a> on this page.'),_x('','Url to codex article on Managing Comments')); ?></label>
    Line 409 : <?php /* translators: field name in comment form */ echo _x('Comment', 'noun'); ?></th>
    Line 665 : function link_xfn_meta_box($link) {
    Line 165 : 			<option value="tag"<?php selected('tag', $type) ?>><?php echo _x('Tag', 'Plugin Installer'); ?></option>
    Line 819 : 				'publish' => array(_x('Published', 'post'), __('Published posts'), _n_noop('Published <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'Published <span class="count">(%s)</span>')),
    Line 820 : 				'future' => array(_x('Scheduled', 'post'), __('Scheduled posts'), _n_noop('Scheduled <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'Scheduled <span class="count">(%s)</span>')),
    Line 821 : 				'pending' => array(_x('Pending Review', 'post'), __('Pending posts'), _n_noop('Pending Review <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'Pending Review <span class="count">(%s)</span>')),
    Line 822 : 				'draft' => array(_x('Draft', 'post'), _x('Drafts', 'manage posts header'), _n_noop('Draft <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'Drafts <span class="count">(%s)</span>')),
    Line 822 : 				'draft' => array(_x('Draft', 'post'), _x('Drafts', 'manage posts header'), _n_noop('Draft <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'Drafts <span class="count">(%s)</span>')),
    Line 823 : 				'private' => array(_x('Private', 'post'), __('Private posts'), _n_noop('Private <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'Private <span class="count">(%s)</span>')),
    Line 824 : 				'trash' => array(_x('Trash', 'post'), __('Trash posts'), _n_noop('Trash <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'Trash <span class="count">(%s)</span>')),
    Line 466 : 	_x('Administrator', 'User role');
    Line 468 : 	_x('Editor', 'User role');
    Line 470 : 	_x('Author', 'User role');
    Line 472 : 	_x('Contributor', 'User role');
    Line 474 : 	_x('Subscriber', 'User role');
    Line 752 : 	$posts_columns['title'] = _x('Post', 'column name');
    Line 778 : 	$posts_columns['media'] = _x('File', 'column name');
    Line 780 : 	//$posts_columns['tags'] = _x('Tags', 'column name');
    Line 782 : 	$posts_columns['parent'] = _x('Attached to', 'column name');
    Line 786 : 	$posts_columns['date'] = _x('Date', 'column name');
    Line 843 : 	'comment' => _x('Comment', 'column name'),
    Line 1516 : comments_number("<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$post->ID' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link */ _x('0', 'comment count') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$post->ID' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link */ _x('1', 'comment count') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$post->ID' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link: % will be substituted by comment count */ _x('%', 'comment count') . '</span></a>');
    Line 1516 : comments_number("<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$post->ID' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link */ _x('0', 'comment count') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$post->ID' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link */ _x('1', 'comment count') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$post->ID' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link: % will be substituted by comment count */ _x('%', 'comment count') . '</span></a>');
    Line 1516 : comments_number("<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$post->ID' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link */ _x('0', 'comment count') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$post->ID' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link */ _x('1', 'comment count') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$post->ID' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link: % will be substituted by comment count */ _x('%', 'comment count') . '</span></a>');
    Line 1704 : comments_number("<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$id' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link */ _x('0', 'comment count') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$id' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link */ _x('1', 'comment count') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$id' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link: % will be substituted by comment count */ _x('%', 'comment count') . '</span></a>');
    Line 1704 : comments_number("<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$id' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link */ _x('0', 'comment count') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$id' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link */ _x('1', 'comment count') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$id' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link: % will be substituted by comment count */ _x('%', 'comment count') . '</span></a>');
    Line 1704 : comments_number("<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$id' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link */ _x('0', 'comment count') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$id' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link */ _x('1', 'comment count') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$id' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link: % will be substituted by comment count */ _x('%', 'comment count') . '</span></a>');
    Line 2180 : $actions['spam'] = "<a href='$spam_url' class='delete:the-comment-list:comment-$comment->comment_ID::spam=1 vim-s vim-destructive' title='" . esc_attr__( 'Mark this comment as spam' ) . "'>" . /* translators: mark as spam link */ _x( 'Spam', 'verb' ) . '</a>';
    Line 2190 : $actions['trash'] = "<a href='$trash_url' class='delete:the-comment-list:comment-$comment->comment_ID::trash=1 delete vim-d vim-destructive' title='" . esc_attr__( 'Move this comment to the trash' ) . "'>" . _x('Trash', 'verb') . '</a>';
    Line 2268 : comments_number("<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$post->ID' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link */ _x('0', 'comment count') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$post->ID' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link */ _x('1', 'comment count') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$post->ID' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link: % will be substituted by comment count */ _x('%', 'comment count') . '</span></a>');
    Line 2268 : comments_number("<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$post->ID' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link */ _x('0', 'comment count') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$post->ID' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link */ _x('1', 'comment count') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$post->ID' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link: % will be substituted by comment count */ _x('%', 'comment count') . '</span></a>');
    Line 2268 : comments_number("<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$post->ID' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link */ _x('0', 'comment count') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$post->ID' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link */ _x('1', 'comment count') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-comments.php?p=$post->ID' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count'><span class='comment-count'>" . /* translators: comment count link: % will be substituted by comment count */ _x('%', 'comment count') . '</span></a>');
    Line 3393 : <html xmlns="" <?php do_action('admin_xml_ns'); ?> <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
    Line 3453 : $post_states[] = _x('Pending', 'post state');
    Line 159 : 	<option value="tag" <?php selected('tag', $type) ?>><?php echo _x('Tag', 'Theme Installer'); ?></option>
    Line 101 : 	$cat_slug = sanitize_title(_x('Uncategorized', 'Default category slug'));
    Line 109 : 	$cat_slug = sanitize_title(_x('Blogroll', 'Default link category slug'));
    Line 169 : 								'post_name' => _x('hello-world', 'Default post slug'),
    Line 200 : 								'post_name' => _x('about', 'Default page slug'),
  2. mark-k
    Posted 14 years ago #

    This is the list of translation function I use successfully

    "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;__ngettext:1,2;__withdesc;_ewithdesc;_c;_n_noop:1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2;_x:2c,1;_n:1,2;_nc:1,2;esc_attr_e;esc_html_e;esc_attr__;_nx:4c,1,2;_nx_noop:4c,1,2;esc_html_x:2c,1;esc_html__\n"

    Instead of trying to understand it, you can look for the line starting with "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: in your .po file and replace it with the line above.

  3. DaNiel
    Posted 14 years ago #

    thxs for the key words list.

    The unpleasant thing is your "Instead of trying to understand it" , because i wasted a long time before to "understand" that where some other key words as the usual related _e and __ and _c in some poEdit tutorials or forum treads.

    In my case, i never see them in any FR translation files... nor in wp, wpmu or bbpress or buddypress (whitch i officially translate since over a year now).

    And there is NO codex document who gives a complete list, even if some of the used function are discribed. When you don't know about something, or how it is looking, it's difficult to find it.

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