For some reason my users can't embed videos from Youtube in their blogs. I've tried both the embed code and the [youtube=http...] code.
It's just stripped out.
Anyone else had this?
For some reason my users can't embed videos from Youtube in their blogs. I've tried both the embed code and the [youtube=http...] code.
It's just stripped out.
Anyone else had this?
You might want to check out this plugin:
It enables the tags like [youtube id]
Other way is to disable auto-formatting to enable copy and paste of any embed code, with this plugin:
I use both and it works very well.
Embed and Script code is automatically stripped out for security reasons. Shortcodes (the [youtube=...] syntax) are added via plugins.
My preferred plugin for youtube embedding is Viper's Video Quicktags.
... and in the latest version of MU video embed is supported. Just put the video URL on its own line. no shortcode, no nothing else.
Been meaning to ask. Is there a way to turn off that auto embedding feature?
Dunno. unregister the function maybe?
What do you have against funny cat videos, tdjcbe?
Great that you can just embed by putting in the url. However, the video is then the same size as on youtbe (wider than my blog content). Is there a way of resizing it?
I think "plugins" or "embed tags" are not handy since there are about 1.000.000 different video sites / skinning sites all providing different codes e.g. and about every minute a new startup starts which becomes hip and provides some kind of gadget.
which is what we blog/interact right? the new stuff.
Maybe a set of embed tags could be made which allows the generated codes from the top 100.000 alexa sites...
Today I ran again into this grmbl I have the less filter active and still,,,,,
<p style="visibility: visible"><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" height="356" width="450" style="width:450px;height:356px"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="scale" value="noscale" /><param name="salign" value="l" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent"/> <param name="flashvars" value="cy=ms&il=1&channel=2882303761549878815&"/></object></p>
becomes *empty* sigh
A button "turn it off for people we trust" (like myself) would be handy...
cogmios, actually the daburna plugin covers about 70 of those sites and both that one and Vipers handle the actual url of the flash video file directly although you'll have to find the url of the video file yourself.
I trust no one. One incorrectly done bit of code and you;ve got garbage.
Take a look at the unfiltered html plugin. That may work for you. If you have a closed system, that's one way to handle it.
I think that YOuTube has changed their embed code, because I could not get a video to embed into my blog. If I add it as a link, it is just an empty spot, if I just add the code to the 'visual' it just shows the full code in the blog, instead of embedding the actual video.
I first tried with Windows Live Writer, and it showed there, but once uploaded to the blog, it was blank.