I quickly explain my dilemma before I explain what I want. I have a selection of 8 back to back youtube videos that I want to show on my blog and I'm looking for the best way to do this.
Ideally I'd like to replace a video (A) for video(B) then (C) etc all on the same page in the same place with just the click of a link next to the video. I guess this would have to be done using Ajax as I don't want the page to refresh or change. Does anyone know any plugins that would let me do this?
As another solution I would consider having a set of eight thumbnails one for each part of the video series, then when someone clicks the thumbnail a lightbox gallery opens up.
If you know anyway I can achieve the first senario I would love to hear about it, if not then any other ideas or tips on how to do the second option would be also good to hear.
Just in case it's relevant I'm using viper video quicktags to place my videos on the blog.