Posted 14 years ago #
Is there a way to email daily traffic stats to wordpress mu users detailing how their blog did hits wise and also showing how the network as a whole is doing in terms of traffic?
I should probably also ask: are there any free plugins for monitoring individual blog statistics?
Honest answer: I'd just install one of the many google analytics plugins and let them deal with it. :)
We used to use one of the wp-shortstats plugins (If you search the forums for stats and/or statistics, you'll see previous discussion on the topic.) but on some of our installs the databases grew to like 99% of the stored data was those stats tables. Slowed things down a great deal.
As to emailing, no I;ve not seen anything before. Not sure if even GA does that since I know Urchin (What GA is based from) doesn't.
Google Analytics E-mail Reports
We filter the content based on subdirectory and e-mail it to the appropriate individuals. This is not part of a WP(MU) plugin.