Posted 14 years ago #
I'm stumped. I'm installing WPMU on a fresh server only running Apache 2.2, PHP 5.3.2 and MySQL 5.1. I turned on mod_rewrite and set up a vhost. I've read through the forum and readme a dozen times and can't figure out why when I click submit on the install page I end up with a white screen and no wp-config file. There are no errors in my PHP log or apache logs. I even tried starting over and reinstalling everything on this server. I don't know what else to look for.
Which things from the forums have you tried? There are reports from people getting similar symptoms, such as here It might be helpful to say if you've eliminated any of these possibilities.
Posted 14 years ago #
I find my mistake. Doh! I had configured my MySQL db to only accept connections from localhost, and the user I had set up could only connect to the db from localhost. I turned on access via port 3306 and added my vhost to my user's hosts.
Since I didn't see a db connection error I didn't think of that at all, but when I looked through the code in the install file I noticed that if it made it past the db setup I would at least have an empty wp-config file in the folder.