I cant seem to find any free wordpress mu template.. please help.
I want to have something like the wordpress.com homepage
The newest posts of the users are displayed. and newest members too.
of course with a big sign up now link in from..
can anyone help me?
or guide me on how to create a homepage?
or a template which i can edit easily to add those things that I want?
the spyker returned an error
Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_page_title() in /home/bilidito/public_html/wp-content/themes/Spyker/header.php on line 8
i cant view my site.
and even the solitude is not working for me...
what could be the problem?
Looks like you;re using a buddypress theme on an install without buddypress installed. Please note the bp_ bit on the function name.
You may want to give this a read:
Searching the forums for 'front page' may be helpful as well.
You can use any wordpress template you want. you need plugins to pull in sitewide information.
can anyone guide me to the sitewide tags to be used?
I cant afford to be a member of that wpmu dev...
It's quite expensive.. Im looking for a free one.. or the codes lists for that...