Hi, i'm just registered.
I manage that website: http://www.derapi.com
i try to install wpmu in derapi.com/worpressmu/ but when i run install on the confirmation page i get something like this:
Installation Finished!
Your WordPress µ site has been configured.
You can log in using the username "admin" and password 6ca4bb96789d
Directory Permissions
Please remember to reset the permissions on the following directories:
You can probably use the following command to fix the permissions but check with your host if it doubt:
chmod 755 D:\Inetpub\webs\derapicom\wordpressmu D:\Inetpub\webs\derapicom\wordpressmu/wp-content/
Delete the Installer
Now that you've installed WordPress µ, you don't need the installer any more. You can safely delete index-install.php now. It's always a good idea to remove code and scripts you don't need.
Further reading
If you run into problems, please search the WordPress µ Forums where you will most likely find a solution. Please don't post there before searching. It's not polite.
There is also the WordPress µ Trac. That's our bug tracker.
Thanks for installing WordPress µ!
wpmu version: 2.9.2
WordPress µ | Support Forums
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