Posted 14 years ago #
I recently installed and site-wide-activated the more-privacy-option plugin.
How can I set the default privacy for all new blogs to be "Registered members of this blog"?
If this is not possible, through the admin, which file can I update to change the default "public" for all new blogs?
Thank you guys.
You need to change some coding in order to do it. We run more privacy options out of the mu folder, and have modified it so that the site admin can set a sitewide privacy setting and override it on a blog by blog basis, but blog owners can't. It's possible to do, but I'm not releasing my changes because they're sort of customized for our environment.
Posted 14 years ago #
Come on Deanna, share the code :).
Any other ways you think we can do this? I was thinking about changing the default public, but I am not even sure where to start.
Thanks again
Doesn't the "more blog defaults" handle this?
Posted 14 years ago #
Thanks Andrea, Deanna.
I used the wpmu-new-blog-defaults and it seems to have done the trick (for now).
LOL - Too many plugins, I forget what they all do.