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Spam Karma 2 for WPMU (104 posts)

  1. lunabyte
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Is there a whitespace at the top or bottom of the file, after the closing


    in the second_chance.php file?

    Just a guess, as I haven't got to SK2 yet, but will be sometime this week (hopefully). Reason I mention it, is mainly because that seems to be the "usual" problem when a file pops a header error.

  2. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I had the same prob with it. When I switch to the SK2 for MU, it went away. At least, as far as I know it did.

  3. Ovidiu
    Posted 18 years ago #


    I have been using the standard version of sk2 until now and I am thinking about switching.
    Is the version from wpmudev working or does it still need some fixes?

    I am will switch, will I get a full working product or will I have to patch it, to get it running, aka does it work out of the box right now?

  4. lunabyte
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I just installed it, and it worked fine.

    Although I didn't have the standard SK2 installed prior to that.

    It's a pretty nice port, really.

    Only the site admin gets to play with settings, which is cool.
    I'm guessing that it was reworked to push comments held for moderation through the normal moderation route, as an individual blog owner doesn't have the standard sk2 tab to visit its comments queue.

    So it seems that users get the best of both worlds. Comment protection from SK2, but don't have to worry about actually setting it up and whatever.

    Oh, I think it was mentioned that it wasn't compatible with a subdirectory set-up. Like domain.tld/username

  5. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    yeah it works OOB.

    And it actually doesn't moderate at all. SK2 skips it entriely, but there is an extra plugin out there for it.

  6. Ovidiu
    Posted 18 years ago #

    what kind of extra plugin? care to elaborate more in detail please?

  7. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    What I mean it, SK2 (even for MU) override's the blog's moderation settings. Some users want all comments held for moderation, for example, so just add this:

    and disable the captcha for that blog.

  8. lunabyte
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I think that's what I was getting at Andrea. Hard to tell, even for me. Up til midnight, couldn't sleep, back up and at it about 2. :-\

  9. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Kinda the same sleep schedule here.

  10. Ovidiu
    Posted 18 years ago #


    I have implemented this version a few days ago but have not gotten spam yet, as the site is not officially online, so I wanted to ask you how users get notified about spam and/or moderated comments, as I could not test it yet...

    do they have access to the moderated comments? do I lose any functionality compared to the standard version of SK2 by using this mu version?

  11. pumpkinslayer
    Posted 18 years ago #

    It should be pretty much the same. The users don't get any options besides saving comments, marking them as spam, or deleting them.

  12. kingler
    Posted 18 years ago #

    The SK2-MU seemed to work out of box with WPMU 1.0.

    However, in the SK2 Log, there was this warning appearing many times:

    Plugin Simple Digest: is registered with both filter and treatment set to false. It probably won't do anything: please contact plugin author.

    This is related to the sk2_pjw_simpledigest plugin. I remembered seeing somewhere that this specific plugin was disabled by default. Has anyone experienced the same warning? Is there a way to get rid of it?


  13. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    yeah, we did.. I have to hunt the dusty recess of my brain for how though.

    Also? Something we just discovered - sicne the MU version leaves just Site Admins able to see the SK2 menus, the purging, which one would assume happens by default, actually DOES NOT get run until someone views the SK2 admin pages. That would be the site admin. Pretty darn laborious for a site with more than a handful of blogs. The db gets bloated with all kinds of spam that doesn't get cleaned out liek it should.

    Wrote a plugin that will add-on and do that as soon as any backend menu is called up, still testing it though.

    We've been working on making SK2 for MU much, much better too.

  14. quenting
    Posted 18 years ago #

    > Is there a way to get rid of it?

    get rid of the digest plugin...

    > Something we just discovered - sicne the MU version leaves just Site Admins able to see the SK2 menus, the purging, which one would assume happens by default, actually DOES NOT get run until someone views the SK2 admin pages. That would be the site admin. Pretty darn laborious for a site with more than a handful of blogs. The db gets bloated with all kinds of spam that doesn't get cleaned out liek it should.

    interesting finding ! so it might just be solved by finding the purge function and calling it via a cron task ?

  15. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    "so it might just be solved by finding the purge function and calling it via a cron task ?"

    that's what I was thinking, but the hubby wrote a plugin to do it. :D

  16. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    okay, I've placed the auto-purge plugin here:

    Scrape, rename as php, dump in mu-plugins folder.
    - this has been tested just by us so far
    - we haven't tested it in other folders
    - it is only supposed to run once a day
    - it doesn't purge anything from the blacklist

  17. lunabyte
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Awesome Andrea. I'll test it out.

    Something funny though, that I've noticed with SK2 in general.

    Maybe it's just my site(s) and I'm lucky, knock on wood, but I also run Bad Behavior. I find that BB blocks probably 98% of spam comments before they even think about getting through to SK2. Combined with my own captcha modification, I've been quite fortunate so far. Right now on one of my primary blogs, BB reports almost 1300 attempts blocked in the past week, yet SK2 is clean of spam comments.

    So, at least in my experience with running both (either with WP or MU) for the past 11 months (was just SK2 before that), SK2 is more of a back-up to BB than anything. Granted the captcha mod I wrote might very well be playing a part as well.

  18. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Just for giggles, and to test our theory before Ron wrote that plugin, he cleaned up the db just before Christmas. A week later he came back and SK2 had caught around 40,000 site-wide. Less than a dozen, maybe only half a dozen actually got through. (I monitor the comments feed.) We've noticed some interesting spammers patterns too.

    I'm trying to avoid captcha as much as possible. I find them hard to see, and in most cases (not yours though ;) ) they are over-used.

  19. lunabyte
    Posted 18 years ago #

    You saw my captcha? LOL

    It might be overused in my sign-up process, as I coded it so that it has to be entered twice. Once on the initial page, and once on the confirmation page before completing the registration.

    Slightly a pain, but it should hopefully help on splogs.

    I "guess" your plugin is working. Kinda hard to tell with something that only runs once a day. So I'll monitor it and see what happens.

  20. quenting
    Posted 18 years ago #

    > SK2 is more of a back-up to BB than anything

    Well, why use BB at all ? SK2 catches 99.99% of spams on my network.If you can do with only one antispam, why have two ?
    I'm not a big fan of captchas either, they're only use on my site when SK2 isn't sure how to treat the comment because of an average rating.
    Would be cool to have the blog creation step use SK2's blacklist.

  21. lunabyte
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Maybe I'm an anti-spam freak?

    But, BB should be executing during the sign-up process, so if it's for that reason alone I'd keep it.

    I will agree that there are a lot of captcha's that are effective, but only because if I can barely read them, then you know a bot won't stand a chance.

    The one I put together isn't extremely difficult to make out, but it isn't kindergarten easy either.

    While unfortunate, I'll take a captcha over spam any day of the week.

    For blog creation I'm not sure sk2 would do much good really, other than using the blacklist as you mentioned.

  22. Ovidiu
    Posted 18 years ago #


    I saw this piece of code in your plugin above,

    add_action('admin_menu', 'ah_sk2_autopurge');

    where should I expect to see this menue ? I cannot find it anywhre in my wpmu install...

  23. lunabyte
    Posted 18 years ago #

    You won't. It's only adding an action to run a function which is tied to the loading of the admin menu.

  24. quenting
    Posted 18 years ago #

    > For blog creation I'm not sure sk2 would do much good really, other than using the blacklist as you mentioned.

    Why ? I see all the following functionnalities in SK2 being useful for blog creation too:
    - Blacklist
    - Javascript Hash
    - IP check
    - "Flash Gordon" check (can't remember the name but the "flash gordon was there" just makes me laugh :).

    The only things in SK2 that wouldn't work on registration would be trackback-specific treatment, registered user positive discrimination, and comment contents filters, but just from looking at the spam caught on my blogs, the above mentionned checks seem to do it most of the time.

  25. lunabyte
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I was thinking of the actual content filtering checks and such. The blacklist (we mentioned could be nice), and the hash and ip check might be too.

    Speaking of Flash, that was on here a few weeks ago. Hadn't seen it in ages. Funny how that was such a great film in terms of special effects at the time, and now it looks so cheesy. Still a great flick though. :D

  26. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    "You won't. It's only adding an action to run a function which is tied to the loading of the admin menu."

    Ya beat me to it. :D Just for reference, what'd you see in the code is add_menu_item for things that are added to the menu.

  27. jessep
    Posted 18 years ago #

    My site uses domain.tld/username, and I'm getting lot's of spam. Any suggestions for a spam filter to use with this setup?

  28. lunabyte
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Personally, I use bad behavior as my primary, and sk2 as a backup. I also have a custom captcha as well.

    It works very well and unless someone sits there and types in the crap manually, which nothing can completely stop, they ain't getting through.

  29. jessep
    Posted 18 years ago #

    thanks lunabyte

  30. lunabyte
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Sure. Although I've been called crazy for running both BB and SK2. :D

    It works, so I'm not complaining.

About this Topic

  • Started 18 years ago by pumpkinslayer
  • Latest reply from lunabyte