I used to use both too, until recently when my ISP at home switched me from fixed IP to DHCP and I realized 95% of the IPs from his pool are listed in blacklists thus BB would not even allow me to log into my admin panel and I had to take out BB :-(
I used to use both too, until recently when my ISP at home switched me from fixed IP to DHCP and I realized 95% of the IPs from his pool are listed in blacklists thus BB would not even allow me to log into my admin panel and I had to take out BB :-(
Um, what does that tell you about your ISP? LOL
it tells me he has a freaking monopol in this area :-[ but there are no real alternatives to his 1024/256 lines for around 10€/month as I do not like the other offers aka. upto 256/256 (guaranteed 64) for 10€/month grrr...
(almost) all other ISPS are resellers so no real alternative
p.s. completely off topic question:
do you think one could modify the BB script to make an exception and not verify a certain IP address? or maybe a certain hostname? I could use dyndns for this? any clues/hints? I guess its not that hard...
I don't know. I haven't thought to look into it.
I mean, anything is possible. You just have to know what to add, and where to add it.
I'll tell ya though, from where I'm sitting at the moment, 256/256 looks pretty good. Oh well, price for living on a ranch in the country I guess.
how to use your plugin? this autopurge thingy? do I have to use cron to call it once a day?
Nope, drop it in and it does its business. it check itself to see if it already ran.
Can anyone confirm if this plugin works for vhost=no sites yet?
I am limited to an SSL-only setup, and this isn't convenient to use with vhosts, but I really badly need a spam-blocking gadget.
SK seems to *partially* work with my non-vhosted site, but the admin menu keeps linking back to my root blog.
(My blog structure looks like:
/blog - 'root' meta blog about the site
/blog/uname - uname's blog)
I just noticed a strange behaviour ot sk2 for wpmu, you know when I have new comments that are aproved, I can see their karma value but if I browse back a few days or weeks later, the karma is replaced by a ? sign, so I tried marking one comment and sending it again through all plugins, and ended up with it in my spam folder where I had to manually recover it...
how long are comments supposed to keep their karma? I did not know they were supposed to lose it at all...
Beats me. Mine seems to be operating nominally.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it? :D
as far as i remember, sk2 has a retroactive spanking feature, but i never saw a comment getting back to a ? status.
but thats exactly what happens to me:
after a certain amount of time, all comments get back to ? I have not verified this with spam comments, as I actually never see the old ones :-) theres so many of them and I am not sure how to verify after what amount of time the karma resets...
basically I have sk2 for wpmu running, added a sk2 plugin for akismet and a plugin for wp-cache ( that allows SK2 to notify wp-cache that there's a comment approved) and I have andreas plugin running that does the autoprune thing to get rid of those stupid log entries that tend to accumulate and the last change I made was to remove the daily digest plugin as I udnerstood it was useless anyway and just cluttering up the logfiles...
do you think any of these could be related to my problem? If we can call it a problem at all, as I do not care about comments losing their karma after they have been succesfully categorized...
New version released, please continue discussion there...
UPDATE: This plugin was never GPL and wrongly released by me. Removed from wpmudev.org until further notice.
Heh, looked like it was to me.
Something about free to modify and redistribute.
If that's not the case, I would hope that Dr Dave was kind enough to discuss it with you, and will be working to incorporate MU compatibility.
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