I am having a weird issue with the image caption inside our posts. Whenever I put an image on my blog, and a caption. It seems to insert a line break in the paragraph in which I float the image to the right.
When I try deleting that line break .. the copy from my blog post bleeds into my images caption! I know that is a pretty awkward explanation, but it's hard to explain. Is there anyway to attach a screenshot to this forum? This happens on the dashboard/post editing screen and on a multiple wordpress installations. Has anyone also run into this? again, it only seems to happen when you try and float the image to the right so it fits into an existing paragraph.
Well, a link woudl be helpful.
Also, your theme may need additional css.
Hey Andrea, I would normally agree, but it seems to actually happen while i'm editing in the dashboard. And it does seem like there are certain places where the caption doesn't show up at all. Do you know which theme file controls the caption? I'll try to get a couple screengrabs to illustrate the issue.
Check this out.
See the Gap between "pretty nice deal if you can get it" and "Despite some lackluster performances etc.."
An image with a caption always seems to create a gap like that. So when I tried to bring the "Despite some lackluster performance" sentence up a line, it started flowing into the caption! see the second screenshot where "despite some" is all the sudden after the image credit on the caption. As I'm writing this I just figured out that I can fix this by going on the HTML tab and just cutting the the line code and moving it up. It looks like if you try to embed and image in the text and align it to the right/left, you have to be careful about editing the text around it. because the actual img src code gets edited when you try to make fixes. Which is kind of a bummer since a lot of our bloggers will not know enough about html to know what to do in that tab. Anyways, I still would love to know which theme file controls that caption if you know ... thanks!
Theme files don't control the captions.
Someone has filed a trac ticket about this.
Do you have a link to that ticket by any chance? I thought that the theme controlled captions because they definitely seem to function better on some of my other themes. I guess it is a core file that does that?
the captioning function when you're actually writing a post isn't controlled by the theme, no.
there's some upcoming functionality that can help do that, but it's not in your version yet.
(argh, spent a half hour trying to find the ticket - wptavern thread here discussing same issue http://www.wptavern.com/forum/general-wordpress/1536-wysiwyg-editor.html )
Thanks for your help Andrea!