I would like to have cliche member profile pages, with name, location, "hobbies", a picture, etc.
I'd like to integrate this profile page in either the home page of the member's blog or the member's admin area.
Visitors should also be able to reach the profile through an member name/author link in the posts.
Apparently an author template is the way to go. There's a codex page that explains how to do it, but I can't make heads nor tails of it.
The page is clearly written for people who understand PHP and The Loop. There are lots of code examples, but very few instructions where to put them.
The codex page also talks a lot about generating lists of authors (or the profile itself?) in a sidebar, which is not what I want to do anyway.
There's another thread about this issue that goes on forever and in all directions without reaching any clear conclusions.
To be blunt, as a non-coder I'm not interested in the mechanism behind it and that's what the codex and thread focus on. All I need to know is what code to put where. I only have a general idea of what the code does. To really figure out these instructions and discussions I would have to learn PHP first.
Can anyone give an example of an author.php that produces a member profile page and how to link to it? This page looks promising, but I have no clue how to use it.