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changing WPMU domain name (1 post)

  1. mrjeany
    Posted 14 years ago #


    I've set up a WPMU installation on a testing server, and will need to change it to the final domain soon.

    I've done this before for Wordpress, and have read through a number of posts on the subject here, so think I know what to do, but want to just check if I have it right:

    1. Change DNS settings to new hosters
    2. Backup WPMU database
    3. Change domain name in settings on the WPMU backend
    4. Search database for references to old URL, replace with new URL

    Do I need to edit the wpconfig.php or the functions.php?

    If anyone has experience with this and has any tips, I'd be very grateful...bit nervous about wrecking everything!


About this Topic

  • Started 14 years ago by mrjeany