I am trying to get a demo version of mu running and am have all sorts of problems. The net is that the tables are not being set up. I've confirmed the host, username and password are correct in wp-config.php.
The site is being setup in a subfolder on a subdomain: dev.mydomain.com/wordpressmu
VHOST is set to yes
BASE is set to /wordpressmu/
DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE is set to dev.mydomain.com (also tried http://)
PATH_CURRENT_SITE is set to /wordpressmu/
Tried setting NOBLOGREDIRECT to be http://dev.mydomain.com/ and http://dev.mydomain.com/wordpressmu/
The page error says "Fatal Error
If your blog does not display, please contact the owner of this site." and that tables are missing.
I really don't know where else to look and hope someone can point me in the right direction.