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Users deleted in admin, still in database and showing in front (3 posts)

  1. htdev
    Posted 14 years ago #

    WP MU 2.9.2 and BuddyPress 1.2.3

    I've removed a bunch of spammer users in the admin section, in all 3 of the blogs on the site (I have blog creation off and everyone is assigned to the 3 blogs). However, in the front, all the users are still in member's gallery and they still show in the database. How do I really "remove" them?

  2. andrea_r
    Posted 14 years ago #

    In the front is controlled by BuddyPress. Please go search the forums there, as I know they've had this issue.

  3. htdev
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I have, haven't found anything yet. I ended up just manually deleting out of the database.

    From the admin section, what should have happened to the users in the db? Would the "deleted" field (in the users table) be set to something other than 0? I ask, because it wasn't.

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