Hi everyone (especially andrea_r).
After pulling out a good chunk of my hair out, I finally managed to get WP MU running. While I decided to go to the nearest drug store to get some Rogaine to get some of my hair back, this question has been bugging me...
Is there a way to systematically apply plugins and their settings to subdomain (i.e. child node) blogs?
I read that placing plugins into "wp-plugins" directory should achieve this but for some plugins that require input variables, you can hard code them. But there are some plugins that are way too user-input intensive that this isn't possible. For example, google sitemap XML plugin has some kind of cron thingy that you're supposed to tinker with. Not easy to hardcode.
So I came across this solution
1) use WP MU plugin manager to mass activate plugins
2) use YD WPMU Site-wide Options to replicate the "master" plugin settings to child blog settings
I have two questions..
1) Is there a simple way of doing this?
2) If not, how do I find out which "wp-options" parameter is associated with which plugin on Wordpress MU?