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Disable users' ability to change their names in profile (4 posts)

  1. syaman
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Hello all

    I'd like to set up a WPMU site for my school. However, I'd need to be able to disable students' ability to modify their First name, Last name, Nickname or Display Name Publicly As.

    Could anyone advise how this can be accomplished? Thanks in advance!

  2. andrea_r
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Does it help to know that those files are not used on the front end?

    By that I mean, if the theme you're using doesn't pull them, no-on will see it.

    This is not mu-specific, it's the same in WordPress, so any WP tutorial for removing it will do.

  3. syaman
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Hi Andrea

    Alas that won't really help as, if I understand you correctly, I'd then need to edit all the themes available in my WPMU install.

    Also I'd like to eventually enable BuddyPress too (which I understand "pulls" users' names from the WPMU profiles) and it wouldn't do to have the students masquerading as others.

    Would there be other workarounds? Thank you!

  4. andrea_r
    Posted 14 years ago #

    In BP, you can set it to NOT sync with the user profiles, and not include the firstname/lastname in whatever profile details you're gathering.

    if I understand you correctly, I'd then need to edit all the themes available in my WPMU install.

    Not necessarily. Only the ones that are displaying those names. It's just the author template tag.

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