.. but my HS teacher said the only dumb questions on earth is the one that's not asked. So I asked "So, would it be a dumb question to ask if I could take over the class as the teacher?"
then he replied, "ok so ... there are only TWO dumb questions on earth"
Here's my question.
I looked the structure of wordpress and was thinking, "why even bother using WP MU?" For example, if had a server with multiple domains names (i.e. parked domains) and did something like this in wp-config.php in regular WP:
case "somedomain.com":
require_once("wp_config.somedomain.php"); // this file would include DB settings
case "someotherdomain.com":
Wouldn't this be almost identical to WP MU?
Sure some functionalities would be lost, but wouldn't this suffice for most multi-blog sites?
Can someone enlighten me?