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POT file question (7 posts)

  1. qza
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I want to translate WordPress MU using poEdit. poEdit automatically creates pot files by searching "__" and "_e" keywords. The question is: what is the disadvantage of creating pot file by poEdit?

  2. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I'm lost here. Why wouldn't you be using poEdit? It's my understand that that's the normal program one uses.

  3. qza
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Sorry for my english. There are many threads asking downloadable .pot file for WPMU. In my understanding, creating .pot file with poEdit is very easy. My question was: will I miss something if I generate .pot file with poEdit and translate that?

  4. helmi
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I'm also looking for the basic MU-Potfile for translation. I found lots of postings around but i'm unsure which one points to a complete pot-file for RC4.

    Isn't there kind of an official file around? Maybe i'm also gonna have a look at poEdit and try to create one myself?

    sorry for not helping you with this posting, qza ;)

  5. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    will I miss something if I generate .pot file with poEdit and translate that?

    No, you should be fine. poEdit will search through WPMU looking for those lines setup for translation.

    Helmi, you have to generate one using something poEdit or grab one of the translated files already done in the other threads.

  6. qza
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Thank you drmike

  7. Radja
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I know that this thread is maybe old, but anyway:

    I have this problem while translating WPMU 1.2.2 and I would really appreciate official POT file

    one thing is that when searching for strings to transplate, it is also needed to use (besides "__" and "_e") this: "__ngettext:1,2" (type it as keyword into poEdit) - this will handle cases where singular and plurar are used by function __ngettext. ie.: 1 post; 2 posts in dashboard= this means two strings to translate, not only one

    my problem is this: I translate with poEdit, I create .po (.mo) file from php files of WPMU 1.2.2 but in the list of strings to translate appears only "post" and not the plurar form "posts".

    I am using poEdit 1.3.6 which is the last one nowadays I think..

    another thing is that when I translate even only "post", create .mo file and = in the dashboard the "post" string is still in english and not in my language, even though I have translated it and other "normal" strings works fine. poEdit somehow refuses to translate it or whatever...

    any help, suggestion?

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