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How to hide plugins from sub blogs (5 posts)

  1. BenNadler
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Hello everyone,

    I am using Wordpress 3.0 RC1 on my blog with multisite enabled. The site network works perfectly and users are able to make their own blogs.

    I have opened up the plugins page to users, as there are a few plugins I think they should be allowed to use, such as Sociable, etc. However, I do not want them to have access to some of the plugins, like Wordpress Beta Tester or bbPress Integration.

    Is there any way to hide specific plugins from the sub blogs?

    I tried to use Plugin Commander but it would revert back to the Dashboard, so it obviously does not work with Wordpress 3.0 yet. Not sure if that would have the desired affect anyway.

  2. justbishop
    Posted 14 years ago #

    me = in desperate need of this as well!

  3. andrea_r
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Until soemthing comes out for this, for some plguins it's a non-issue.

    take the beta tester plugin. so a user activates it. What happens? They can't see the submenu as they are not a site/super admin.

  4. justbishop
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Yeah, but my list of 30+ plugins (only about 5 of which are applicable to my users) gets really overwhelming to my users, and I think it makes them just give up on the plugins screen altogether because of it.

    Kawauso in #wordpress IRC actually wrote me a quick and dirty plugin that works like a charm on my 3.0 multisite install. I don't think there were any immediate plans for release, but I'll ask if it's OK for me to post it here :)

  5. justbishop
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Here you go. You'll need to edit the file to list the plugins that you want your users to see. As I mentioned above, tested working in my 3.0/multisite enabled install, also running Buddypress 1.2.4 and about 30 other various plugins. Use at your own risk:

About this Topic

  • Started 14 years ago by BenNadler
  • Latest reply from justbishop