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using an existing wordpress blog db as a WPMU db (2 posts)

  1. hkcharlie
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I have just setup a wordpress MU install and am playing with setting up blogs using it.
    Is it possible to use the database and setup of an existing wordpress (not MU) blog that I have created and essentially import it directly to the new MU install seemelessly.
    I could then redirect the URL of the old blog to the new MU installs URL.

    Any ideas please?

  2. tdjcbe
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I believe we just recommend exporting and reimporting via the xml file:

    I don;t recall anyone trying to do it via the database directly.

    Redirecting from the old site to the new one depends on what hosting software you;re running on the server where the old blog is at. (ie That's a host question.)

    edit: There's an advanced exporter that may be better for you:

About this Topic

  • Started 14 years ago by hkcharlie
  • Latest reply from tdjcbe